Feeling Used and Unappreciated: Why I Left My Relationship

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It's tough when you feel like you're always the one solving the problems in your relationship. When you're always the one making things happen, it's easy to start feeling used and unappreciated.

And eventually, you reach a point where you just can't take it anymore. You reach a point where you feel like you can't do anything right, and you just give up.

This is how I reached that breaking point, and why I chose to walk away from my relationship.

Image from Temisu of Pixabay

You had been hinting at wanting more for a while, and I had been trying to give it to you. But I guess I just wasn't enough. You didn't even have the guts to break up with me yourself—you made me do it. And after all the things I had done for you, all the sacrifices I had made, you left me feeling used and unappreciated.

I Was Always the One Solving the Problems

The straw that broke the camel's back for me was when I realized I was always the one solving the problems in our relationship. You would get mad about something small and instead of trying to work it out, you would just shut down and refuse to talk to me.

I would be the one reaching out, apologizing, and trying to make things right again. I was tired of being the one who was always putting in the effort. I felt used and unappreciated, so I decided to leave.

I Was Always the One Making the Compromises

I Was Never the Priority

I Was Tired of Being Taken for Granted

You might be wondering why, after all this time, I suddenly decided to leave. Well, the truth is, I was tired of being taken for granted. I was tired of always being the one who solved the problems, tired of being the one who always made things okay. I deserved better than that.

I Was Tired of Being the One Doing All the Work

If you're feeling this way, it might be time to have a talk with your partner. Let them know that you're not happy being the only one putting in all the effort. Ask them to help out more, and be willing to do the same for them. If they can't or won't help, it might be time to move on.

Image from Gerald at Pixabay

The decision to end a relationship is never easy, but when you feel like you're constantly putting in all the effort and not getting anything back, it's time to walk away.

You may feel like you've "won" when the other person leaves, but that kind of victory is hollow and unfulfilling. The best way to move on is to focus on yourself and your own happiness.

I never heard from you a word of apology or intentions to fix any damage caused. It's more the disappointment I feel than the love I once felt, but make no mistake, it's not your disappointment, it's for me! For having allowed this to go so far, for letting you become or release that being so proud and immature that damaged everything, for allowing you to belittle me to this level. But ready, enough, these are my farewell words and I write them at five in the morning, sitting in the living room and dressed ready to leave what once felt like a home full of love

Sorry if this post didn't make any sense, I just needed to throw out all this "words".

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