Confidence is something you create when you believe in yourself no matter what.
You can't control what other people think of you, but you can control how you feel about yourself. If someone says something that hurts your feelings, it's not your fault—it's theirs. You can't let other people's opinions of you affect how good you feel about yourself.
You also have to remember that confidence comes from within. It doesn't come from being told by others that they like what you're wearing/doing/saying—other people's opinions don't define your self-worth, and neither should they! Confidence is something that starts within, then shines outwards through the way others perceive us (and through how we perceive ourselves).
When someone tells us they like us or our work, it feels good because we want to be liked by others—but what matters most is how much we love ourselves and our accomplishments! We need to focus on the things we are doing right before anyone else has even noticed them yet; once we start believing in ourselves more than anyone else could ever hope to do so for us, then other people will notice too!
When you're confident, you know that who you are is good enough, and that no matter what happens in life, or how things might change, you'll be alright.
Confidence is an attitude that comes from within—and it's something that can be developed over time. You can't fake confidence; if your heart isn't in what you're doing and saying, people will see right through it. But if your heart is in it, they'll keep coming back because they want to be around someone who's so confident in themselves.
I think confidence is one of the most beautiful traits a person can have. It's also one of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal—if we just believe in ourselves!
When we're confident, we feel good about ourselves and our abilities. We know that we can get through any challenge, and we'll be able to handle anything that comes our way. Confidence gives us the courage to take on new challenges, because we know that we're capable of succeeding at them.
But sometimes confidence can seem like an unattainable goal. We may feel nervous or uncertain about our abilities, or maybe even doubt our self-worth. And if you've ever struggled with this feeling, then you know how hard it is to be confident when you don't feel like it's possible for yourself.
But there are ways to build your confidence—and they don't have anything to do with changing who you are or pretending like things aren't hard sometimes! You just have to change how you think about yourself and your abilities—and then make those positive thoughts a habit.
I have always been a confident person, but I never felt like I had enough confidence to be successful. Until recently, when I created my own company and started making money from it. It actually changed my life and made me realize how important confidence is for success.
When people ask me how I became so confident, I tell them it's because of the way that I look at things. My mindset has changed from "I don't know if this will work" to "I know this will work." Now when people ask me if I'm going to fail or succeed, my response is simply: "Yes!" Why? Because failure is just a part of life and if you're not failing then you're not trying hard enough.
How about you? How's your confidence?