Unknown thief(Limitation of death)

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4 years ago

Limitation of death:it may take a long period of time,but one thing is sure,it must certainly come to every man,whether prepared or unprepared.

It does not need any invitation to take any life since flesh and nature has made us slave to it.Many people describe death as "an uninvited guest" some call it breath snatcher while others call it "the thief"

People do describe it in many ways as they please,but none of these accusations can change its activity over us.As long as the flesh lives on,death owns the body and every other living thing under the sun.History has made it known to us,that death is a curse placed on any living creature ever since the beginning of ages.It appears to be a serious challenge against any living creature under the sun,treating and taking good care of them by taking their precious breath away.As a matter of fact,it identifies itself as number one great human limitation.We all can witness it's effect over it's victims through its agents called time,by exercising its power over any living creature under the sun by the matter of time.No one can avoid it,it is apportioned to all equally,thus,anything under the sun that was once new must surely grow old someday,as long as time goes on.The fool,the wise,the weak and even the strong,cannot escape it, all the past generation have passed through it.

It has one way in and one way out,all its victims were never left still breathing or alive,their feelings over it were never being told.It exercises its strong effective power over us by taking away what belongs to us without being questioned.

The worst battle anyone can ever engage in is fighting against what you cannot see or feel,but it sees you,you have already lost in that battle before engaging in it.Every existing life has opportunity to live beyond the physical death,but only few people discover the trick and make a very good use of it.The effect of death is not only on the physical body ,we can compare it to daily activities while we are still breathing.We can wetiness some of its secondary effect even while we are still alive in our daily activities.Example-why most people cry when they lost someone very dear and why do others jubilate when they are mourning g their loved ones? It is simply because of all the crying and shedding of tears people do for their loved lost one is not only because they lost someone very dearly who they will not see again but because of the unfinished achievement of the deceased that is,some greater things they are suppose to achieve and some higher levels they were abound to attain before the sudden death occurred.

In that case,death can be described as a great limitation,it sneaked in and stole the master key of their lives,living their body locked whereby no breath can go in or come out.Their unborn ideas,creations,inventions, that could have brought their names back to existence dies instantly inside them.

Scientist says that,out of all the forces that can put man under some certain limitation in life,death is the only thing that can sent you the right to express the way you feel over it.

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Written by
4 years ago
