Love, no doubts is one of the most abused and misconstrued words in the world. People have bastardized and reduced it to what they feel it should be
Love is often professed by people who do not even understand the meaning of love. "I love you" has become an anthem rather than an act in most relationships
If only people understand what love really is and practice it more than they profess it, the world would have been much better and peaceful than it is now
When will people understand that love is beyond words, love is not about what you preach or what you make people believe but it is what you do everyday of your life
It's a feeling within that influences your actions towards others, you don't force the act of love it flows naturally when you allow it grow and blossom from within
And most times when love is mentioned people's minds will go to man and woman relationship. Love is beyond that, love is a universal language which should be communicated not just to every human but to everything that has life including the birds of the air and the fish in the ocean
Every creature on earth understands and appreciates the language of love when they see or hear them, it's not the regular "I love you" anthem that people often say when they're in relationship with the opposite sex
Love is a spontaneous act and a way of life, not a word to be preached or an anthem to be sung every now and then. Let love grow in you and spread to everyone and everything around you
Let love lead
I agree, love is not an anthem, nowadays people are kinda misusing this term but they should know that love can be felt if it exists and there's no need to express it in words when you don't really feel what you say. :')