If you were asked to define "A perfect life", how would you?
If I asked people to define what they understand by a perfect life I'm sure I'm going to get different answers depending on their age and level of understanding
Some people believe that a perfect life is when they have money and cars and other possessions; some think of a happy family with kids, some people believe they have a perfect life when they're established in business and own different properties
Definitions of a perfect life will definitely vary from person to person but the truth is there is nothing like a perfect life, no life is Perfect!
Sometimes we see how happy and successful other people are and we begin to admire them, assuming that they have a perfect life; we tend to judge people's lives as happy or fulfilled based on what we see about them or rather, based on what they want us to see about them
Sometimes what people show us is only the good side they want us to see, especially in on social media.
Some people have gone into depression because of what they saw on social media; they thought other people's lives are perfect while their own life is miserable, they thought about it and ended up being depressed
If only people knew that there's no such thing as "a perfect life", every individual has one thing or the other that is bothering them which no one else can ever know unless they reveal it to them
No life is Perfect, you just have to find happiness and fulfilment in any condition you find yourself because no matter how hard or incomplete your life might seem, there's always something about you and your life that can make you smile and feel Happy, but sometimes we allow worries and ambitions to blind our eyes to the wonderful things we already have in our life
No life is perfect and none can ever be. If you need a perfect life, look inside you and appreciate the things you ha e in your life; that's how to live a perfect life