It has now become a tradition in Nigeria and many other countries in the world; every 31st December, people gather in church and pray till the next day which is new year. The tradition has been going on and on for so many years
But something happened last year which everybody knows, there were lots of prophesies by different men of god about 2020. They prophesied without seeing the doom that took the world by surprise and people were excited about the new year 2020
After everything that happened this year, church goers are still insisting that there must be cross over service as if their lives depend on it even after the government has warned that the second phase of the pandemic and the corresponding lock down will be more than the first
Everybody is kicking and wailing against the government warning an directive. Now, my problem is not whether the government is right or whether they should be obeyed or not. After all Nigeria government has never been honest for once and they're unworthy of trust
My problem is with the people that call themselves believers. It is shameful to know that people are just religious but majority are not spiritual, they don't have personal relationship with God
If the people were spiritual even one bit, they wouldn't make a big deal out of the whole thing, the church or mosque is just a building, God lives in people's hearts and not in ordinary buildings made with hands, filthy
People should learn to have personal relationship with their God and not attach themselves so much to a building and service. Do not forget in a hurry that people were locked down for many months earlier this year and heavens did not fall. The men of god that are clamoring for cross over service now, none of them was able to heal even one person from the corona virus
Remember that there's life after the cross over service, a word is enough for the wise