Albinism ;abino and the cause.

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Avatar for ChrisJohnson
3 years ago

Albinism is a condition where the external pigment fails to develop resulting in the person on having a light skin ,white hair and Pink eyes.

This is due to lack of melanin in the malpghian layer of the skin.

Albinism occurs when an allelic Gene fail to produce a certain enzyme called tryopsine which synthesize a pigment to form melanin.

Albinism is caused by a recessive Gene and itself in a recessive state (aa).

The genotype of a person with normal skin colour is AA.

A person that is a carrier for Albino Gene ,has genotype As.A person that is a an Albino has genotype aa.

For a couple with normal skin colour to have an Albino child,both of them should be Carrie's for Albino gene.

A man that is a carrier for albinism gene married a woman of albinism , high percentage of their children are albinism.

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Avatar for ChrisJohnson
3 years ago


Oh thanks for this information

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you so much for this your article good presentation..

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3 years ago