Learning From Home Due To CoVID-19

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: School, Education, 2020

Since the COVID-19 virus rapidly spread out around the globe and later on becomes pandemic, there are many aspects in our life that have been put in risk and are greatly affected. As you can see in the news, those businesses being bankrupted, mental health issues arising, physical health is at risk, essential goods always running out, prizes getting doubled, whole countries are lockdown, and etc. These effects greatly changed us in every way. It is like a 'survival of the fittest'.

One of the areas that is greatly affected is the Department of Education and Commission on Higher Education. As a result, the opening of the classes opened very late last October 5, 2020 instead of the normal opening that is set always in the first week of June. The Government see to it that the future of the students will not be ruined. Then, they immediately take a specific action about the issue.

The strategy they proposed is what they called Blendid Learning. Wherein, it will fit according to the location of schools. They had suggested 3 options which a student will choose that will fit their location.

The first one is Modular Learning. In this type of learning, either a teacher will deliver the modules to each students' houses and collect them also every week or the parents will come to the school every week to take home those modules and at the same time pass the modules that is already been answered. This is applicable to the students who can't afford stable internets, laptops, tablets or phones, and having bad signals in their places to join the online classes held everyday.

The second strategy is the Online Class. If a student has the equipment to be qualified then he/she can freely join the online meeting. Regular classes are observed here wherein a teacher is joining supervising and teaching the students. The advantage of this is you can ask your queries to the teacher directly.

The third strategy is mixed Modular and Online Class. If a student can't catch up with the online class due to poor connectivity of the internet sometimes, they can ask for modules. In this way, they can have additional notes and can review their lessons anytime even after the online class.

Students can freely choose what type of learning what they want to take part in. This sounds manageable. It has no anti-poor or pro-rich in this. There is no reason for implementing an academic freeze. DepEd and CHED had done a remarkable job.

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$ 0.41 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: School, Education, 2020



$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank god because studying from home is great opportunities due to the fact that some countries are not even allowing their students to study at home due to lack of some assets to approve it

$ 0.00
3 years ago

In this present situation that the world found herself, everyone needs to be safe and at the same time education and learning needs to be done, that's why e learning is introduced to help students especially during the pandemic

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Learning from home is better than nothing in this pandimec... Nakaka panibago lang peru makakasanayan din yan.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

In the area where I live, they understood that not all household has the gadgets needed plus the stable internet connection. So the local government unit created a radio station where teachers from every grade level will have to conduct their lesson everyday at the same time, students are following with the lesson on their modules with the supervision of their parents.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That is also a very nice idea even in my area they implement these processes but now the schools is fully resume

$ 0.00
3 years ago