How to show a little kindness to humans.

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Avatar for ChiamakaVee
2 years ago

There's a friend of mine whom I suddenly stopped hearing from. He'll read my messages and won't reply, this happened for a while.

At a point, he went offline for about three months. I kept wondering what could be wrong with him, he doesn't pick nor return his calls.

After a while of several trails, I stopped reaching out. I decided to let him get back to me whenever he decides but I got worried whenever he crosses my mind.

Last week, he appeared at the mall, I screamed when I saw him. He was looking pale and worn out.

We got talking and he told me he was defrauded of 50 million naira. I was shocked.

He met a new supplier for her business. They concluded and he decided to expand real big and buy one container and become a big dealer of what he sells.

This supplier offered a nice price, they did video calls, he saw the things, took him round on a tour at the warehouse. They talked severally till they closed the deal and she made payment.

Two days after payment he stopped hearing from them. The guy stopped picking his calls and stooped responding to his messages and cut off all kinds of communications with him.

He lost all his life savings and fell sick. He was at the hospital for two weeks before he started talking again. He's now seeing a therapist and he's getting better.

All these I didn't know. I could have easily written him off and concluded that he was ignoring me. I could have easily come online to troll and mock him for feeling too big to return my calls and messages. I could have made the whole thing about me when its not.

I didn't. I genuinely check up on people and if you don't reciprocate, I assume you've things you are dealing with and will come around when you are better.

Life is hard on many. Its taking a toll on so many and dealing with so many. People are going through a lot you don't know because they've not told you. The least you can do is be kind or let them be.

Not everything is about you. Among the fifty battles they are fighting you're not even the number hundred.

Talk with kindness. Deal with people with kindness. When you don't understand shift back.

Many people are barely surviving. Life has shown them shit and most times, all they need is someone by the corner making them realize that in a world full of brutal things, there's still hope and something to live for.

$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @Chief_Mekus
Avatar for ChiamakaVee
2 years ago


Chai! The more reason we should not jump into conclusion or assume... Ppl hv secret battle they are fighting 🤦 everything gonna be alright 😔

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Life is really hard for a lot of persons and this has made it look like they have really changed whereas they are trying to cope with life. Thank the goodness your friend didn't lose his life. Hope he's recuperating.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

He’s picking his pieces and putting them back. he’s back to square one like a beginner.

Too much for one person.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah but thank God he's alive.

$ 0.00
2 years ago