How I made a good investment wisely.

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2 years ago

One of the sad thing about these investment's is that lots of people invested their hard earned money, money kept under their watch or borrowed money without the knowledge of anyone close to them.

They didn't tell their wife, husband, siblings, mom or dad.

The thing about this kind of thing is even though its your money, telling someone can save you a lot. The person might have heard something you have not heard. The person might know something you don't know, the person might have more knowledge in accounting than you do. For instance, my own close friend that I sat down face to face, broke down all the loopholes and lies to her about a particular fraudulent investment and strongly warned her to dissociate her lino with this brand and its owner. Guess what? She packed all her money put!. As she told me recently about the incident, I told her bluntly that it not my concern and kept moving forward.

So many people new about as of last year November/ December that Ovaioza was having some problems not rumors, they had first hand information.

So many people didn't know, some even started their own investment February this year. maybe, just maybe if they asked some questions, they might have been saved.

Some people even went as far as investing money kept in their care by someone without the persons knowledge. Someone gave you money to keep and you took and invested in something you have no control over?.

You didn't even ask yourself "what if something goes wrong can I pay back this money".

To me its a great financial irresponsibly and you should be held accountable. You don't invest what'd not your own without the owners approval. Now that the money is gone, what will you do?.

Imagine you gave someone money only to wake up and they are telling you they invested it somewhere? I have no business with whom you gave my money. Its you I know and its you that'll pay me my money.

Don't invest more than what you can bear in something you have no control over.

There are so many things you can do to multiply your money in the future and real estate is one of them. (Sorry it sounds clinched but its the truth). There are verified estate companies that have very affordable lands even below 5million and allow you to spread the payment for about two year's. 10 million can get you a very good land in any part of the country, all you need is do due diligence and ensure the person or company you are buying from is not scam.

You have the papers and can sell whenever you like and believe me, I have never seen any land that doesn't appreciate.

If you have lost money in this, I know its difficult and it might have taken you year's to make such amount. Speak to someone that cares. Confide in a loved one. Speaking about it might make you feel a bit better.

I pray that a miracle or whatever comes out of this and anyone involved gets to recover something at the end of all these.

Whatever happens, guard and secure your money jealously as many people can do anything to get money they never worked for and won't care if you cry out blood or die in the process.

Thanks for reading!

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2 years ago
