Episode #31 - Two Gems to Discover that Are Light Nite & SmartKey

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3 years ago

Podcast #31 link: https://anchor.fm/chesatochi/episodes/Episode-31---Two-Gems-to-Discover-that-Are-Light-Nite--SmartKey-epg5a2


I discover great gems lately, and one of them is to play Light Nite each day and collect precious Satochi. This game relaxes me and enjoys playing and interacting with beautiful graphic.

Smartkey is a blockchain project that has a lot of potentials!

What's covered in this podcast

I cover the following elements in this podcast:

Light Nite: A great 3D shooter over the Bitcoin Lightning Network. Join the game under my affiliate link: https://lightnite.io/ref=chesatochi Smartkey: Blockchain projects that combine real physical assets with virtual counterparts.

Last thought

If you enjoy this podcast, why not take a couple of minutes of your time to visit my website, subscribe to my newsletter, and be part of my YouTube channel Crypto & Coffee.

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$ 0.43
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3 years ago
