Lost for two months ,what happened

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11 months ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, Experiences, Story, ...

I'm glad that I finally recovered my account .I feel so happy as a lot of times I am trying open my account but it ends with failure.

What's up my read cash family?How are you guys?I missed you all and so glad to be back here after my two months of lost.

Woohoo ,so happy that finally I can interact you again my read cash fam.How are you guys?How's life?What's new here?

Actually I had a lot of stories to tell but first let me tell you how I lost for two months here.

It was July (I forgot the date)when my phone was dead ,it was totally dead not functioning at all.My phone was broken after it was fallen with my son.

Everytime I am doing my household chores I let my little boy to used it and he accidentally drop it and broke.

I can't afford to pay for repairing it as we facing crisis.I feel sad that I can'take my own money at all.Through blogging I can have my own money.Well,my husband give his trust to me ,he used to give all his salary and let me budget it for our needs but it's different to have our money that's why I feel so grateful that I found this platform ,aside of read cash I am active also in hive.

And because of what happens ,I have to stop blogging as I don't have my phone to use.

It takes two weeks that I don't have a phone ,I went to my parents for a vacation without a phone.

When I came home after my vacation with my two kids,my husband surprised me a second hand phone.I feel so happy that finally I can be active again all my socially media account as well as my blogging career .Wow!career haha.

But sad to say ,I wasn't able to recover my read cash account though I had my seedphrase coz the Gmail account I used was my husband's Gmail account.Those days I started in read cash ,I don't have my own phone and using my husband phone but when I got mine ,I did'nt change my Gmail account and find hard time to recover it .

But a few minutes ago ,after I came from the dentist ,I don't know what comes up my mind when I opened the chrome and search the read cash.

And then to my surprised ,I able to opened it through my seedphrase.

I feels so happy even though my wallet is empty haha ,but feel so excited to share with you my life happenings.

I am happy to be back here....

I am so excited coz I had a lot of stories to share with you .

And I am still hoping that something is change here(earnings ).

And that's it for now ,thanks for your time and have a great day!

$ 0.01
$ 0.01 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for Chelle18
11 months ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, Experiences, Story, ...


Welcome back I am also new here😊

$ 0.00
11 months ago

Wow ,that's good to know that there are some new users here🥰🥰

$ 0.00
11 months ago

Hello sis, musta na? Pareha ta sis, last July, mga first week guro to, Wala pud ko phone Kay maayo pagkabasag Kay nahulog. Mga last week sa July ra ko nakacp ug balik.

$ 0.00
11 months ago

Laayan Lage sis oy haha may Gani nakapalit Akong bana og second hand ,okay man pud😂

$ 0.00
11 months ago

hello ate. ako pud 5 mos. jud nawala kay pirteng busyha sa school jud.

$ 0.00
11 months ago

Hinay hinay lang gud ta dae dalang pamasin nga mabalik Ang ka bibo Ani nga platform😁

$ 0.00
11 months ago

mao jud te usa man pud to sa makahatag ug encouragement nato

$ 0.00
11 months ago

At least, nibalik gihapon sissy. Untag dasigon nata sa tippings uie para madasig pud ta ug post/publish ug balik. Hihi

$ 0.00
11 months ago

Lage no ,hayst kanindot unta mabalik tong sauna ba hihi

$ 0.00
11 months ago

Mao jud sis. Kanang inag open nimo nga tabuon ka dajun ug $10 pataas. Aguyy, kanindot naba laman tawn.

$ 0.00
11 months ago

Happy yo have you back sis!

$ 0.00
11 months ago

Thank you sis ,unsay Balita dinhi sis?

$ 0.00
11 months ago

ushaya bibo usahay mingaw sis, di amn kaayo ko ka post, usahay rapod ko maka comment inig naay familiar face hehe.

$ 0.00
11 months ago