Perseid meteor shower on mid-dawn before sunrise
Wipes of flashback bringing the shadow of a little girl nearby the seashore
Flinging paper plane and lashing wooden trains
Captivating sandcastle like building fortress of friendship
Collecting dashing seashells leaving footprints
Monstrous sea waves obliterating phonemes of memoirs.
Swarming like eggroll on parched and clannish rice stalks.
Santan crown perched on her head holding an enthralled wand like wizards’
Blanket evolving into obscure clasp as Harry Potter’s
Grasping tadpoles through plastic cups
Hurtling dragonflies barefoot to save silence
Heart's agleam, could hardly speak playing hide-and-seek with the dancing moonlight
Winds awakened, the glimmering leaves whirled round
Insipid cheeks, emancipated hair
Fragmented glasses, bristles of barbed wire fences
Money bills out of leaves of Oak tree trading with fancy candies
Kissing raindrops
Lying under the night sky with fireflies and crickets
Tracing every phoneme of her name
Connecting jewel of stars through whitish hand
Wounds of innocence, scars of happy memories.
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