What If

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Avatar for Chamomile
4 years ago

May 1, 2019 at 4:45 P.M

The arms of the clock just waved at my teary eyes. It signaled it’s already 2 a.m. and thunder of hunger woke my tummy up. My dizzy mind just decided to dally the rest of evil hours with my cynosure, a cup of brewed coffee. My feet were destined in our murky kitchen. Vintage tablespoon, dirty white colored cup with a petite saucer with up with porcelain lay on the wooden table. 

To finally dispel dolorous cubes of anxiety, I need to divulge the only antidote---a cup of brewed coffee. Confusion just wrapped around me. Why do I need to be left in high dudgeon? Why do I need to miss your dulcet voice? I still could draw your presence even in your absence. Where in silence, I could hear your laugh. Where in darkness I could see you how look at me painting your smile. 

Accidentally, the spoon had met its fall. I was awakened by its mellifluous sound. To educe this eerie feeling, I started to prepare my egregious kind of drink. I just saw four canisters of the same color and size. They had no identity or label on their sides. Puzzled and topsy-turvy, I emboldened myself to gather tranquility and made a pause for a while. I really didn’t know what canister I was going to open first. 

I started envisaging every canister that I had. Is label really imperative in every choice that I am going to make? Is label an entity? Does it matter? The light bulb on my mind suddenly signaled telling me that trial is the key. Knowing that I have a poor vision, I need to open every canister for me to kill all my buts and what ifs. What if the first canister can make my drink bitter? What if the second canister can bring too much sweet? What the third canister is a mixture of poison? What if the last canister has the tastiest form of coffee? What if…
Unconsciously, piles of what ifs and buts have met evanescence. Then I saw the kettle of hot water. As I poured this water in my cup, the mirror of doubt had been broken into pieces. I realized that what matters most is the warmth of water that can dissolve the strange appearance of what’s inside the canister. As I stirred the mixture, the pungent smell just reminded me that no matter how odorous or bad the smell of that person is when it comes to his/her personality, you need to cherish it. As I took the first sip of the drink, tip of my tongue unfortunately was prickled and burnt by the blaming temperature of the drink. I realized that before taking the drop of risk, I need to take a pause and let the cold wave for a while. When it made you vomit because of the unpleasant taste, just take another sip for as long as it gives you warmth. When it made you feel dizzy because you’re confused with its taste, try to add another mixture to make the taste soothing. When the cup of drink finally became cold, still you need drink for it cleanses uncertainty. Lastly, when you’re still not contented with what the first canister can bring, try to ask yourself, is it still not enough?







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4 years ago
