Walking under the flame of the sun
Kissing my skin turning into its tan color
Pouring rain of sweat on my forehead.
An hour of being an outcast like in the middle of nothingness.
Burning crystals in my eyes letting them to melt
Straining for singularity of someone else’s hand
Shaking of my voice waving for a cup of cold water
Sinking strength trying to stand still.
A minute left before a final verdict towards my destination.
Like just a second of taking a step away from where I am.
A three-wheeled vehicle bathing my ginger shaped-feet trying them to stop.
Unconsciously, catching the icon of yours reaching the magnet of the tip of your fingers.
Quite uncertain, don’t even know where to go, what to do, whom I am to go with
Ticking of the rushing arms of clock killing certain things.
Can I just stop and let the verdict shut me up?
Can I just sit down the road and let death fetch me?
I am deaf, am blind but you can’t hear me scream, nor see me dying.
Only I can see you, I can see me.
Anyway, you’re an apparition; your absence kills my own expectation.
You have expressed it beautifully.