Passenger Seat

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Avatar for Chamomile
4 years ago

Cherubim’s smile as glowing sunrise inside my skyline.

A drive of special peaceful moment in my beep of chaos and noise.

Perfume and scent exploding in the open window of my car.

Tongue-tied with a whirlwind in my mind dealing with traffic lights.

Glimmers of eyes worth more alive than dead, my room of healing.

Resurrection of my body and breath in the dusk.

Embraced red light and gulped down a drink of unbreakable bond of lifetime.

Mind clouded felt to go to combat with blunt sword and pale hands.

Ammunition of sabotage, letting go of guns of fear to death with shovel of “I love you”.

Lone moon peered from rainbow clouds setting free years’ worth of graveyard onus.

Angel’s whisper from the rainforest invading me.

Lighthouse of sanctuary right here in the passenger seat.

Couldn’t keep my eyes on the road of wander.

Now that you’re inches from me.

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