Indispensable pumping organ that retains human alive
Invincible blood vessels that serve as chords binding lungs and other internal organs.
Red liquid carrying nutrients passing through the veins touching capillaries.
Cold breeze entering the nose ‘til reaches bronchi supporting the empty tube towards the alveoli.
Air sacs letting the interchange of gas in the lungs.
The contraction of the diaphragm as you breathe in, and expansion of it as you breathe out.
Collaboration of oxygen and blood producing one’s strength.
But, but…
Polluted air we breathe, smoke of cigarette, toxic wastes ruining circulation of blood, weakening the lungs.
Allergy destroying warriors of cells causing asthma, then tuberculosis, lung cancer.
Worst but realest, can cause a million lives of people.
Severe pain, burning of heart, heart attack due to high temperature.
Phobias, depression brought by chaos, anxieties.
Solution? Love.