Empty Space

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Avatar for Chamomile
4 years ago

Your absence in any corner of the chamber.

Not in a high- ceilinged corridor or in a window of basement of a castle.

Missing you like a prisoner behind dungeon bars.

Your voices as catawampus boulder fixation in every single thing I do.

Hampering a missing piece in a sunset casting a golden orange glow.

Deafening finger guns of your name where silence swaddled in tones of beige.

Paralysis in a cheap hollow reflection while bursting into flames.

Won’t unlock slummed door of regret as I left foot prints.

Drinking spirits of blurry memory in fermented fruits.

Overthinking malignant in a void of your almost.

Evergreen branching shrub of ego swallowed me.

Alone in futile mind of Aconite.

Thirst of reverie of affection in a stranger’s bed.

But only you could fill this empty space.






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