Imperfection spills in your cup of perfection
Innocence kills your consciousness when you’re asleep
Invincibility, your aura of invincibility conquers all uncertainty
Indestructible, yes you are; optimism kills vague and histrionics.
Lifted me up from a taunt and let me flip my wings of sovereignty
Leaving, to you, is just an ordinary occurrence, ‘coz you know it just happened
Littered what made you evil brought by the shadow of your past
Let me enter, in your unrestrained home, and soothe your heart of pain with purity
Only you that delineates every phoneme of my name
Oblivious, you became oblivious to the channel of time
On the 23rd day of June, you just pinched me ‘I love you’
Over the days, months, I still want you.
Vase needs bunches of roses as I need your incidence
Velocity, you’re my velocity that gives path in every action that I make
Voice of your heart that calms my buts and what ifs.
Vintage cars, luxuries, above them, you’re more than ample.
Every single day you make my day everything
Existence means conquering the world with you.
Evidence is in every smile you smear on my face.
E means your name, your name that makes me feel loved.
Your eyes, your brown eyes, my hypnosis.
Your gags that make me shiver
Your evil laughs that make me mad.
Yet you, yourself, despite of all the flaws, you mean the world to me.
Of all the pain inside you, I chose you.
Of the entire qualm that punched you, I fight for you.
Over uncertainty that reins you, I stayed.
Over the portion you’ve given, I loved, love and always will do love you.
Unfortunately, I lost, was defeated in the end.
Unconditionally, I withdraw all the ways of love for you.
Under the law of inertia, I continue reaching the path towards you.
Unbelievable, I hang around; because I know that you’re worth it, worth fighting for.