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Avatar for Chamomile
3 years ago

Wanted to sink my knife of torment into his heart.

Wrapped my arms around powerless promises, in the warmth of lies.

Consequence closing in my tragic demise, paralyzed with the man in front of me.

Like an uncorked bottle at the crossroads, driving to the unknown scent.

Pigeon gray of glances through the window, silent noise in my earphones.

Hidden steel blue glitches, burnt out by their calls.

Street lights filled with oceans, giving me compass pointing me home.

Bleeding stop signs visited me to turn around.

Radiant light that the doomy world needs burning in my eyes.

Wildly dancing silhouettes like chasing spirits.

Reminiscing strands of moonlight in darker days.

Berated tasting like ice of choices, walking away from chilled hearts.

Smokescreen kissing another darkness swathing my high beam.

Couldn’t breathe for I’m blinded by the crossroads.

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