How can I make my life better? Part 1

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2 years ago

It's normal to admit who you are most times in life. But irrespective of your personality (personality type), there are a lot of qualities or skills needed to develop you to be better than what you think you are.


  • Learn to ask for help

Help here, is very important and needs to be asked always, anywhere, early and often. People do get lost on their way to success, some don't know where to go, what to do or how to do it. At this point, all you need is "Asking for help" to get you on track and make you more effective and fast.

Note: Don't worry about your pride nor should you worry about not getting any answers. Instead worry that you were not able to ask.

  •  Learn to forget the past

"Yesterday is not going to get any better and the past does not determine the future but if you continue to think or buy into your past, your future is going to be like your past".

Life is a continuous process meaning living behind your past and building a better life with your present cause this only determines the future

  • Learn Psychology

Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior. Psychologists are actively involved in studying and understanding mental processes, brain functions, and behavior. The field of psychology is considered a "Hub Science" with strong connections to the medical sciences, social sciences, and education (Boyack, Klavans, & Borner, 2005).

The definition of psychology explains why is suitable for humans cause it makes you know yourself and live a better life.

  • Reduce Negative Talks

Negative talks have led most potential and great people to lose their opportunities due to the inability to control their inner thoughts. 'Negativity' comes from your thoughts which are interwoven with the language you use and this sets the intensity of feelings and emotions as a result.

Due to this, a good self-judgment is needed to help build you a better life.

These negative talks can be reduced if you work on your belief system.

  • Believe System(B.S)

Believing something doesn't make it true!

Also, 90% of what you believe about yourself is not always true even if it comes from you!

Instead, to acknowledge the Truth, you do this;

  • Always listen to your dialogue 

  • Learn truth

  • Dispute and give counter statements

  • Know if it is true 

  • Finally, install it.

The chain of belief systems:


This means your actions are a result of your feelings and thoughts

  • Know how you respond

This is a very important heading cause most individuals act based on the perception of reality rather than reality itself. And reality itself is full of B.S(belief system) which isn't true.

Due to B.S, humans have been programmed one way or the other by their teachers, mentors, favorites, parents, friends, government, and society to give some specific response just because of their belief system which is misleading many. As a human, you own your life and life is indeed a story, and to have an exciting story, you need to be the actor, author, and director of your own life. Think smart, think positive, think like you own the story, and avoid the negative perceptions surrounding the world cause the perception is theirs and not yours.

  • Raise your standards

It is said that negativity ruins your life but positivity betters it. See yourself as a hero to your story and try to act like the character. This is summed up as:

" You can never rise higher than the image of yourself" means Knowing yourself and what you can do. 

"You can never go lower than the image of yourself" means Raising your standards

Life is hard and you are hard, so hit it and crack it up!

  • Learn Self-effectiveness (Responsibility)

This is simply your ability to respond and this gives you the power and control of your life. You control anything and act the way you do due to your responsibility. This is the secret of happiness because no matter what happens in your life, you could change it and make it better. This gives a 'fantastic' feeling

Accept your responsibility today else you'll be seen as an animal by others. Know animals only respond and cannot make things happen(i.e they can't see something and make it better) but as humans, you can so, ACT NOW!

  • Know your language

The language here is very essential especially when it comes to having a dialogue with yourself. Language is also an extension or an added extension of B.S(belief system) because it matches with your feelings and thus affects your life. It sets the intensity of your thoughts. So be mindful of it!


  • Unbearable-Hard

  • Impossible-Difficult

  • Catastrophe-Unique situation

  • Problem-challenge

Rather than saying the first which includes, (Unbearable, impossible, catastrophe and problem) which makes your brain dormant and makes you feel you can't do anything. Instead say (Hard, difficult, situation, and challenge) which makes you do something and think for a solution.

Hence, changing the language, change the resources cause of the wrong language can make you lose your responsibility

Thank you for reading!

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2 years ago
