Say what’s on your mind

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Avatar for Chairman
3 years ago

I spent three years hanging out with a person who was my friend while also being in love with them and nobody knew about my true feelings but me. I believed it would be better to wait for that person to come to their own realization of love towards me rather than risking to ruin what we had as friends. Believe me, I was wrong. I should have said the truth from the moment my feelings started deepening and save myself years of heartache and pain

Keep your red flag radar on

You can always spot the red flags if you are careful enough. I, unfortunately, was blind and even though the feelings weren’t mutual, I kept on hoping that person would at some point fall in love with me. A person who ignores you, who you don’t see on a regular basis, who forgets your birthday, or who doesn’t put you first is definitely not someone that loves you. Look out for these red flags

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