Hopeful & Happy. 

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1 year ago

" They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: Someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for. "

~ Tom Bodett ~

Let’s get realistic here! We all have had our fair share of bad days. It could be as a result of a heated argument with a friend or family member and it's still got the victim in a gloom, or maybe you just woke up on the wrong side of the bed and it all seems like that day would be bad.

The truth is that we allow ourselves to be entrenched in a bad state of mind for so long and it eats up one's space and spreads like a wildfire destroying their inner peace if not curbed, such victims would wind up depressed and messed up mentally.

A normal saying that " happiness is free" which is likely to be factual, explains that happiness doesn't come with a price, it's entirely free but it requires one to choose what mood best suits them at the moment.

Even if one's name is happiness she still experiences sadness, pain, setbacks, and challenges in all works of life... it's not a guarantee that she would be happy...it just signifies the happiness brought into the life of her parents at the time of her birth.

Happiness means a lot to me, although I know that life will deal with me in such a way that I can refuse to be happy but still I seek happiness overall. With happiness comes contention and satisfaction and motivation...yes motivation!

When you're in the right frame of mind, happiness motivates you to do better for yourself, set plans, and achieve them easily and swiftly. Happiness brings you pure sanity alongside strategic management of your entire being, purpose, and prospects.

🪅What is happiness to me?🪅 

✰ Happiness to me is realizing that I can't push beyond my limits and knowing that whatever surfaces in life, I got it!...

✰ Happiness is knowing how chaotic challenges and circumstances can appear/result and scaling through them peacefully...

✰ Happiness is the anticipation of your fulfilled self and the radiation of goodness within you...

✰ Happiness is knowing yourself and your flaws, how to alter those attitudes, how to learn at your pace, how to assign a task and complete it, and how to forgive and move on...

✰ Happiness is knowing full well that there's no one like you and you are your true self without pretending or imitating another...

✰ Happiness is dancing without good steps and you are enjoying all the silliness and cool vibes you get...

✰ Happiness is knowing so well you have a long future ahead but still don't know how to get there and somehow you are certain about the process...

What's happiness again?

🪅How I go about finding that happiness?🪅 

☆ I find happiness during my darkest moments through music... music has a way of always lighting me up!... which would commence by singing quietly and then erupt into something much louder haha 😂

☆ I find happiness looking into the mirror and assuring myself that no matter what I am there for her... a routine I apply almost every day as a mantra with words of affirmation.

☆ I find happiness looking at my past and my progress now and what the future holds for me and my family...

☆ I find happiness in admiring and complimenting the creation of the universe, mother earth, the beauty of nature itself, and some persons I find attractive.

With all these, I hope you have a perception of what my happiness is about and how I go about it.

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1 year ago


Being named happiness doesn´t mean you won´t be sad but choosing happiness despite the struggles of life is the best because it boosts one´s morale and help stay positively. We have to understand that choosing happiness means no matter what life throws at us, as long as we are still living, things will be better.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This is beautiful. It is indeed not free as most think...it comes with a price and it's a state of mind and we have to be intentional about it. Even Happiness as a person would sometimes have a bad day 😂🤣.

To me, happiness is contentment.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Happiness is when you appreciate life and love yourself. 😁

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Happiness is knowing people like you virtually and personally. 🤗 Happiness is dancing without thinking if it's right step or not.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I am happy when I read you Cesca:) Is that happyness hehe Happy Thursday!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Does it mean if you don´t read from Cesca, you won´t be happy? Hahahaha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

hehe yesssss How are you Princess ?

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1 year ago