Driven by illusion.

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1 year ago

“ Wake up Lucas! ”, Lucia yelled in a distressing tone.

She pointed down the alley of standing stones shakily, she stuttered... “rrr right there Lucas

Lucas pulls off the sheets and rubs his eyes to get a clear visual, he stood up and walked towards the window where his delusional twin sister sat and stared into an empty scene. He fixed his gaze where she pointed but nothing or anyone was there.

Lucia appeared extremely nervous biting her fingers and making some horrifying sounds while looking at her twin brother to affirm her suspicion but his facial expressions wore disbelief as he confronted her.

No one is there, Lucia”, this is just an illusion, nothing more! ... Lucas gave her a consoling pat on the back and pleaded with her to come to bed.

She glanced shortly to the alley of stones, no one was there anymore, meanwhile, the stones were intact. Perplexed as she looked she professed that it was an illusion truly before going to bed.

Lucas lay still on the bed pondering on the incident that had just happened, he had only his twin sister to take care of. The tragic death of both parents on the exact day left her in a delusional state of mind.

Now she sees things? ... Lucas questioned the capricious behavior, expecting an answer from the stillness that shrouded the room.

The opinion of taking her to a rehabilitation center crossed his mind but he was unsure about her safety. As these thoughts roamed his anxious mind willingly, he drifted into shuteye.

Hours later, the door knob turned sharply and she forcefully opened the door. The windows rattle to the effect and cause Lucas to wake up.

Geez! ... He exclaims!

His pace increased significantly as he caught up with her.

Where are you going by this time, Lucy?” ... He asked her while wrapping his arms around her. “It's past three am!”, he continued.

Luciana sobs softly and whispers inaudibly into his ear, “she is taking me to see mom”. He released his grip upon hearing that and inquired about who the person is, her response made him realize he would take her to the rehab center sooner. He was left speechless when she said that she was right there with her but undoubtedly it was just the two of them.

Let's get you your sleeping pills, com'on downstairs” ... he insisted.

As she rounded the curve in the fairly narrow staircase, Lucia repeated these words in a chant-like manner ...

“ She is real, Lucas! ” 

“ She is real, Lucas!! ” 

“ She is real, Lucas!!! ” 

The passage leading to the kitchen became silent while the light in the kitchen flickered consistently and then stopped when he entered the kitchen. He knows this is an unusual thing but he neglected it to not place fear on his twin sister. He asked her to sit while he brought out the pills from the kitchen cabinet with milk and cereal.

He placed every necessary thing for the cereal, pills, and a glass of water on a tray just for him to turn to where she sat and noticed she was no longer there.

The exit door was flung open and he ran out in pursuit of Lucia, yelling and calling out her name. He remembered the alley of stones and went through it down to the graveyard where their parents were buried. He didn't flinch as he went further to the exact tombstone where they were laid to rest when he got there he met the lifeless body of his twin sister and wailed bitterly.

Header Image Edited With Canva

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1 year ago


Aww , an illusion that's quite sad😔

$ 0.00
1 year ago

So sad! Her twin brother never believe in her illusion though but since she was delusional he had a glimpse of it.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

aha that illusion!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hehe .... that's that illusion🤗

$ 0.00
1 year ago

hehe yes, yes it is😝

$ 0.00
1 year ago