Thinking is more valuable than money

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1 year ago

There is an inner saying that is very popular in our ears. Once the popularity of this proverb, the proverb reads Time is money which when translated literally means time is money. The word money here is a metaphorical word whose meaning is valuable. So time is precious.

Time becomes valuable when it is filled with work; work for money, work for development, work for self-improvement, work for the interests of the world, work for the interests of the hereafter, or work for the interests of the world and the hereafter.

However, the saying is considered by some to be out of date; is considered outdated, then a new proverb appears that replaces the old one. The new adage in question reads an idea is money which when translated literally means the idea is money. Once again money here is a metaphorical word whose meaning is valuable.

Ideas are more valuable than work because ideas precede work. Work will not exist without the idea behind it. If someone is planning to leave the house for work, that is an idea. If we plan to wake up in the middle of the night to pray tahajjud, that is an idea. Evil ideas will give birth to evil deeds, and good ideas will give birth to good deeds. The better an idea the better the work; The brighter the idea, the more brilliant the work. Even in the business world, brilliant ideas are often hidden so that people don't steal them.

Then, is there anything more valuable than an idea? Yes. It is nothing but thinking. That is why thinking for a moment about goodness is more important than the sunnah prayer of a thousand rak'ahs because thinking for a moment will greatly affect life as a whole.

Thinking is more important than ideas because ideas are generated through the process of thinking. We are what we think. Positive thoughts will lead to positive ideas and positive ideas will eventually give birth to positive actions, and vice versa.

The mind is divided into two parts, namely intentional thought and automatic thought. Deliberate thoughts are thoughts that are under the control of the will. A person who deliberately thinks, he realizes that he is thinking. While automatic thinking can be found in most people who do not realize that they are thinking, even though they are actually doing it.

If a person thinks badly of another person, he will think of looking for ideas to do bad deeds to him. He thought it might only be for a moment. As soon as the mind deliberately stops its activity, the automatic mind immediately takes over. The bad thoughts about his partner would keep playing in his mind without him noticing, even late into the night he would stay awake without being able to close his eyes.

When someone thinks negatively, then those negative thoughts will become an inner suggestion that will continue to work on him. He will live his life in this world according to the negative thoughts he carries with him wherever he goes.

What the automatic mind thinks is a continuation of intentional thought. The automatic mind will continue to think positive things as soon as the mind intentionally stops thinking about them. Vice versa, the automatic mind will continue to think negative things as soon as the mind deliberately stops thinking about them.

Everything we think, both intentional thoughts and automatic thoughts, will be recorded in the subconscious. Good or bad thoughts will be carved and impressed in the subconscious which will then be manifested in life. All experiences, events, and circumstances of a person are reactions of the mind.

Thoughts affect our lives. It often comes true in life. If we think well of someone, then usually he will really be good to us, because without us realizing it our subconscious leads us to treat him well, and vice versa if we think badly.

Bad thoughts have sacrificed many things, both in personal life and in society. Laziness, pessimism about the future, and helplessness are often reactions to the bad thoughts a person has instilled in himself. Bad thoughts really become a specific barrier to his progress. Brotherhood turns into hatred, solidarity turns into enmity, and friendship between nations turns into armed conflict often as a result of the bad thoughts of a person or a nation against another person or nation.

Positive thoughts will lead to positive ideas and positive ideas will eventually give birth to positive actions, and vice versa. Therefore, the mind must be controlled. This can be done, among others, first, by emptying the mind of negative things such as prejudice, selfishness and group fanaticism, wrong viewpoints, exclusivity, pride, envy, and others. Second, occupy the mind with positive things; with good prejudice, with benevolence, altruism, etc.' and last but not least, keep your heart busy with remembrance of God.

When a person has managed to control his mind he will be king of himself.

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1 year ago
