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Avatar for Ceetada
3 years ago

In heaven ☄️

You're all they talk about

With warmth in your voice notes

And sunshine in your video calls

She is all I think about

She is all I can't think about

I get lost in the gaze of you

I'm lost in the present because of your strides

Every morning I hope the sun rises to find your eyes

And in the evening sets waving at your smile

$ 0.00


WOW amazing writing keep it up dear

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3 years ago


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3 years ago


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3 years ago

Nice article..... Short and easy to understand

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Love incorporates a scope of solid and positive passionate and mental states, from the most glorious uprightness or great propensity, the most profound relational warmth and to the least complex joy.

The best and most excellent things in this world can't be seen or even heard, yet should be felt with the heart. An existence without affection resembles a tree without blooms or natural product. The best thing to clutch in life is one another. 'Tis better to have cherished and lost than never to have adored.

In particular, when you're enamored with somebody, you feel a seriously solid and practically baffling enthusiasm and want for the person in question. Actually, being enamored implies that you long for this individual, you consider them continually and you ache for being around this individual and getting to know one another.

Logical examinations have indicated that being infatuated makes our body discharge feel-great hormones and neuro-synthetic concoctions that trigger explicit, good responses. Levels of dopamine, adrenaline and norepinephrine increment when individuals are enamored.

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3 years ago

Hello friends I subscribe you you subscribe me please

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3 years ago

Yeah ,nice article

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3 years ago

Love is one of the greatest feelings we can have. If you feel unlove today, tomorrow you will be loved unconditionally.

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3 years ago

Love is a beautiful thing but when you love the wrong person it hurts so bad

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3 years ago

In the world love is very beautiful feelings. But when you love a wrong person it will be worst painful feelings for you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Interesting Articles

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3 years ago

Love is pain ...👍

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3 years ago