New weaning foods 🍼🍼🍼

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3 years ago
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It should be started at the right time to avoid future problems for the baby it is a stage of change and adaptation for the infant.

Weaning consists of progressively substituting breast milk for other foods until the baby adapts to this new way of nourishment and breastfeeding disappears completely.

A specific age cannot be specified to establish weaning, as each child has a different growth and maturation rate. However, both the WHO and UNICEF mention exclusive breastfeeding up to six months of age and gradual weaning from then until just after two years of age. Although there is no rigid rule, in general terms, the baby leaves breastfeeding between 12 and 24 months.

Right moment. πŸ‘©πŸ‘¨

It is important that weaning is carried out from the precise moment, because if the child receives foods other than breast milk before their intestines are ready to assimilate them, they will suffer various complications, such as digestive disorders, allergies and infectious diarrhea.

However, in many cases there are certain situations that determine the need to start weaning early, as in the case of mothers who work for more than eight hours outside the home.

Also, it should be considered that the delay in the incorporation of other foods in addition to breast milk, can cause malnutrition.

By periods

In the first period, the baby should eat semisolid food only once a day, completing it with breast milk. Try banana puree and applesauce, because they are easily digestible foods. You should offer a few tablespoons the first days and watch how they assimilate it. As you will give little amount of these foods, you have to incorporate breast milk in the menu.

As the days go by, you can include more foods other than breast milk and instead of giving them only once every 24 hours, increase the number of times you feed them.

Weaning should be done slowly and progressively, to avoid affecting the physical and emotional well being of the baby.

Weaning should be done slowly and progressively so as not to create traumas in the babies.


I hope you liked my article, thanks for reading.

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Life, Family, Experience, Happiness, Write, ...
