When Your Dreams Are Stopped By Everyone

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1 year ago

As children, we all have goals and aspirations for the future. But unfortunately, not every desire can come true; in fact, we are often the ones to put an end to our own aspirations.

*Photo by Kelli Stirrett on Unsplash*

The majority of us are paralyzed by the dread of failure, which prevents us from pursuing our passions. But if we want to live fulfilled lives, free from remorse, we must force ourselves to pursue our objectives despite the opposition we may face.

*Photo by Viktor Talashuk on Unsplash*

So, who's holding you back?

There will be numerous challenges you must overcome on your path to success. Everyone else is one of the key reasons you haven't been able to accomplish your goals. You never know who will be your biggest supporter or harshest critic. It's important to recognize that everyone has their own unique perspective on life and ways of thinking.

Someone who is trying to put an end to your dreams may have your best interests at heart, but they simply don't realize how urgent it is for you right now.

Unfortunately, it's always the people closest to us that put up the biggest roadblocks to really doing it.

Why are they trying to prevent you from doing this?

1). Our loved ones seek to shield us from the pain of loss because success is more widely celebrated than failure in today's culture.

• Staying in a recognized area is preferable to venturing into the unknown.

2). they doubt your abilities to complete the task.

• When we submit a massive plan or proposal, those who know us well will evaluate its merits in light of our current performance in the relevant field, because they already know what we are capable of.

• Rather of considering the possibility that you might grow as a result of the experience, they are firmly entrenched in the belief that this is all there is to you.

2). They don't want to be let down since, while dreams are inspiring, they may be disheartening if they aren't realized.

• The firstborn child in a typical Filipino family back then would be given a great deal of responsibility and special treatment.

• Parents often encourage their children to follow their dreams, but they may cut off their own assistance if they've been burned in the past.

• This is especially true if their child has had an unplanned pregnancy, is hanging out with the wrong crowd, is having financial difficulties, etc.

• They fear being left behind when you go after your dream, or that you won't be as kind to them if you succeed (this is especially true if the individual isn't used to seeing things through to completion).

At what point will you cease paying attention to them?

When you know what you want, it's lot simpler to reject other people's requests.

If you have a clear idea of where you want to go, it's easier to spot people who are trying to lead you astray. Even if they're right, it doesn't matter if they're not contributing to your success. Don't pay attention to your critics!

The "why" and "how" of your plan will make more sense to those around you, and they'll be more willing to provide a hand (or keep their mouths shut) when that happens.

The question is, how can you inspire yourself to get up and get going?

There are several easy things you can do to keep your hopes and aspirations alive.

• Have a plan and work toward it. This may be stating the obvious, but it needs to be spoken.

• You should schedule your day in advance and stick to it.

• If you want to succeed when the going gets tough, you need to find a coach or mentor who will keep you accountable.

Exactly where should you go first today?

It's tempting to go headfirst into a dream project the moment you have one. Because of this, we frequently experience feelings of helplessness and exhaustion.

But if there's one thing I've learned about hopes and ambitions, it's that they can be realized only in incremental measures. If you have a lofty goal in mind, it can help to chunk it down into more manageable chunks so that you can make steady progress toward your end goal.

Like laying a strong foundation for a large structure, I need to perform extensive research into the things I write about if I ever hope to improve as a blogger. which I have done in the past and continue to do at present. Gradually, you'll start to see an improvement in your writing, your sources of motivation, and your relationships with others. Every day of practice makes you a better artist.

If no one else thinks you can accomplish it but you know in your heart that you can, then you should keep going. Although it's helpful to learn from the experiences of others and draw inspiration from their stories shared online, it's important to keep in mind that your own journey is unique and that your accomplishments cannot be compared to those of anybody else. It's true that no one else is quite like you.

Being on the other side of the blogging world taught me that help, even from loved ones, is never guaranteed. You'll have to prove yourself before they'll back you up, but once you've gained their approval, you'll have their undivided attention.

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1 year ago
