All Cave Should Be Like This | Paraiso Cave, Camotes Island

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Avatar for Castallena
2 years ago

We visited both Heaven Cave and Amazing Island Cave the last time we were there. Both of these caverns, as a reminder, were located on Camotes Island. This island is technically part of Cebu, despite its seeming proximity on a Philippine map to Leyte. For the record!

You've probably had your fill of my cave ramblings by now. Added to that? From where I am now, I am not disturbed by your screams. Haha! However, we are still continuing our caving exploration on Camotes today!

Please buckle up and enjoy the journey.

First, though, I'd want to offer some kind guidance.

If you'll recall, we had a three-day road trip from Camotes and I drove a rental scooter. I know I've said this before, but I'll say it again. Whether you're visiting Camotes on your alone or with a partner, renting a scooter or motorcycle is the ideal way to get around. The best advice I can give you right now is to either rent a car or purchase a tour package that includes transportation on the island if you are visiting with a large group. If you're on a tight budget, don't risk taking the public transit system to see the sights. I had no idea Camotes was so huge, but we managed to visit as many as six different places in a single day. My lover is really appreciated for the driving services he provided.

Find the cave, please?

Once we got to Paraiso Cave, I said, "Where is this rumored cave located? Do we even have a single?" One of the most surprising aspects of Camotes is the number of caverns there are. I've been to caverns before, but the ones near Camotes have a different, mysterious air. In order to enter the inner chambers, there is no gigantic granite entryway as high as a mountain or even a hill. All four caves we explored in Camotes required only a short descent underground.

Paraiso's English equivalent, of course, is "paradise." I have no idea what inspired that moniker, but we'll soon find out if this cave really is a paradise.

When compared to the other caverns we've explored, Paraiso Cave has the friendliest vibe; entering its walled area was like returning to a safe and familiar place. A well-kept garden deserving of some attention on its own merits can be found here. We'll return to the garden at a later time.

When we paid our entrance fee and entered the building, we were met by a garden that was in full bloom. Everything in sight was green, from the trees to the plants to the grassy lawn. The area is perfect for people who appreciate nature the way I do.

I might have missed the cave altogether if the signs weren't so blatant. The massive stone sign that reads "Paraiso Cave” and is located directly above the cave entrance makes the cave entrance virtually impossible to miss. Even this section of the cave had been meticulously manicured, as can be seen in the images, making the entire cave airy and peaceful.

After that, we entered Paraiso Cave. It was hard to choose between Heaven Cave and Amazing Island Cave. Still, I can't help but anticipate new discoveries. That's why I love Paraiso Cave so much; it has everything I need.

Inside the cave that some guests used as a cottage, the management painstakingly crafted tables and benches out of cement and wood. Protective headgear was available for anyone who choose to stay inside. In my head, I'm in a mining town. Lol! Despite this, neither of us sported one of them. I know, but have a look at how cool they are!

A few meters further down, we found the cave's final and largest section, complete with a natural pool. Close inspection of the following images reveals that a secure stairway was carved out of the cave's interior rocks or the rocks were reinforced (with cement) to make the journey from the entrance to the pool area easier and safer. The balusters and railings are also made of solid wood.

Also, throughout the entire cave, they set up these artificial lights that look like mushrooms. Isn't that adorable?

What Everyone Is Waiting For

The entrance to Paraiso Cave is easily accessible: just descend a few meters from the main entrance. There is a natural pool in the cave's main and sole explorable chamber, which is just as inviting. Aside from the two main caverns, Heaven Cave and Amazing Island Cave, there are other chambers to discover! However, you shouldn't be too concerned, because this cave pool might be the nicest one you ever saw!

What a sight it is! Seeing this water just a few meters (probably no more than 15) below ground was a welcome sight. While I imagine the depth of the pool to vary with the tide, it was a pleasant swimming depth for us during our visit. Younger children might be seen diving headfirst into the pool.

We snapped some poolside photos and then jumped in with the other tourists. I was too giddy to contain myself any longer and went for a swim right immediately. As is customary for such places, the water was frosty. Nonetheless, one can handle it. To kill the next few minutes, we went and swam in the pool.

The time has come, I suppose, when I say less and let the pictures from this trip do the talking.

Many other sightseers were already present when we arrived, as can be seen in the previous pictures. After waiting for everyone to leave the cave pool area, we were able to obtain the photographs you are about to see.

Paraiso's allure was undeniable even before I shot the pictures, but when there was no one in the pool, to call them amazing would be an understatement. Awe, just look at that panorama!

It took some time for me to control my need to start snapping pictures. It took me over two decades to learn of the existence of this site, and I still can't believe it. What a shame, I know! It would have been lovely to stay here for a longer period of time if only we could prolong our stay.

In the garden

It was time to go on to our next stop, but not before we had a little more time to explore the garden. In spite of the fact that it is on a higher elevation, it has been kept in excellent condition, as I said earlier. The locals take their gardening quite seriously. When you become tired of sitting in the same old seats, you can use the tiny playground or swing yourself.

I've also heard that there are overnight accommodations available here.

The management of this attraction deserves special praise; it is clear that a lot of thought and care have gone into its design and upkeep. In my humble view, there is something that is missing from all other caves.

I pray that my description of Camotes Island's scenic locale does it credit. Thanks for coming along on this tour with me! Okay, then, I'll see you in the next one!

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Avatar for Castallena
2 years ago
