Sexual Videos are Considered as Meme on Social Media

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We are living in a new era in which technology is very rampant, from communication to transportation to industry and other aspects of social technology are widely used and adapted by humanity. Technology had lots of benefits specially on field of social media which people can be connected in an instant no matter how far they are or no matter where they are on the globe. In a single click anyone can access on social media and read some update and news, it also can be a tool to communicate with people we know and even strangers. There are lots of advantages of technology but like what wise people say, everything has opposite reaction in this world.

One of the disadvantages of technology is, it was used to harm other people in a way that they are being attacked on social media spreading fake news about them, technology and social media are also used to scam other people so that they can steal from the bank accounts and credit cards of innocent people who had no enough knowledge about technology. Some people also used technology to hack people's personal data in order for them to blackmail or use it to harm other people's life.

Sad to say that technology is very widespread that teens right now have nothing to do but willing to risk their reputation in order to gain fame, to clarify these thoughts, let's look at those vloggers which making issues then they will share their thoughts and once everything turns to mess, they will suddenly cry in social media acting like they are victim of their own insolence.

It sad that we are living on this society surrounded by feeling superior people, they feel like they own a freedom to do what they want. We need to remember that we are still conservative country which value the culture and traditions we had but some teenagers feels like we are America that they are liberated to act and do what they want even if it will harm other people.

The best example is what on my title. Let me ask you a question, are familiar with a meme "kanino ka lang?". Even me got so much laugh on this phrase everytime I heard it. It's a meme video which two couple had sexual intercourse then the boy asked kanino ka lang then the girl replied. The phrase is fun but the content is very wrong. It was a shame to the girl on the video that she was viral, it may lead to more complicated issue since her face and body was displayed on the video.

After that viral video, lots of sexual content had been released on facebook, it was all sexualize content which a lot of audience specially kids witness those videos. It might give them idea what is going on and the scary part it they will learn how to do it. Nowadays, teenagers are very irresponsible in using social media.

They are willing to upload videos or photos which include sexual content just to gain likes and followers. This is a sad reality we are living, technology eats the system of society which people no longer understand the definition of respect and morality. Some people might against at me cause I'm kill joy, they are just enjoying life and wants to give smile on people's face but this ideology is such pathetic. There are lots of ways to gave happiness to people, sharing sexual videos like that contributes nothing in society but more idea on youngsters that those kind of act is normal in this current days.

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Sponsors of Cassandra143


You are totally right. Social Media is creating an epidemic of narcissism in which everyone is willing to do everything for attention, and they surely know that one way to get views is through either sex or negativity. This is really sad. Thank you for this information.

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1 year ago

Yeah it's very rampant here on my country, the transition from conservative to liberated is very fast to the point that two ideas are colliding creating problems and fights on social media. Some people say it's for fun but they didn't realize the effect of their actions.

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1 year ago