A child being left behind to her grandparents when her father died and her mother already have another family leave her without saying goodbye.
The child emotional stories are conveyed in her own words detailing how vulnerable she felt being abandoned, confused, and at times, rejected and think and ask herself am I deserving to this kind of situation why I felt being abandon ?
The child received a lot of discrimination because of her situation some people said to her that loser you're not deserve to live in this world just die and some ask her why you still stay at you're grandparents you are not belong to them anymore you should leave and go to your mother that have another a family, because of those discrimination the child always cry at night without sound, because she don't want her grandparents get worried and this child try to comit suicide but the child fight of her emotion not to do that things, because it isn't right. All discrimination that she received she conquer all of that, because she share all of her emotional problem to her grandparents and tell her that dont mind them just focus the flow of your life and be happy.
All challenges and discrimination that she's encounter . She's pray to God and ask help that help her to face all of those challenges with strength and help her that she cant think of taking revenge to those people whom discriminate her and attack her emotionally.
This child now prepare to live happily with her grandparents and did'nt look back of what happend in the past and she already have a good relationship of her mother. This child will still receive discrimination but she prepare to ignores it and just continue the flow of life as her grandfather said.
Because of all the challenges and emotional experience in my life it make me more stronger now. "child said"