How To Deal With Negativity

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10 months ago

It's been so long since my previous post here and here I am, just using the platform to just express my thoughts. And just to have a place to vent out.

This post is not what you think it is. Well, the title might say it that way but that is actually the same question I have and the very same reason I am writing this post.


  • How can someone survive a day thinking negative thoughts all day?

  • How can someone enjoy life living in fear?

  • How do you deal with people who are in this state of mind?


Negativity is so Draining

I know, worrying and being negative is inevitable since, as human beings, we are bound to feel that way. But I would say, there are things in life that we shouldn't be worrying about.

Let's say for example: my husband has got a the bump on his wrist. He noticed it after lifting a heavy car battery with just one hand. It should've just been a sprain, right? Maybe his muscles just got shocked after lifting that heavy thing (because he doesn't really do that more often).

His grandma has told him already that she's had the same thing happen to her as well. His co-worker has told him the same thing. I have told him to not worry about it too much and just keep an eye on it. But, no matter what we say, he still worry and thinks about the worst things. He worries about it thinking it might have been some pre-stages symptoms for cancer. Which, I know for a fact that it is totally far from that.

Well, to make him feel better, he said he wanted to go to the hospital to get an X-ray for it. I said "yes" hoping that after the results are found, he would be more at ease about it. He told me that when he went there, the doctor asked where the bump is (so you could really tell just how small the bump is. It's not even noticeable.). The doctor also asked him how much Tylenol he had to take for it and of course, he didn't have to take Tylenol for it because it never hurt that bad. He told me that the doctor had that look on his face that says “Why are you even here?” So, the doctor conducted the X-ray and yes, nothing was found. Everything was normal and the doctor said it might just have been a sprain (which is exactly what we keep telling him).

Of course, I am happy about the results but I already knew the doctor is going to say that. I thought he would worry less about it because of what the doctor said but guess what? He still worries too much about it.

It is so draining for me because I am not used to be thinking negatively for a long time especially for something so little. It is so draining because I don’t know how to make him feel better. It is draining because no matter what I say or do, it never works and he’s always so scared mostly about everything. I am just human, too and I also get drained and it is so frustrating that I cannot even do something about it.


If you have any tips for me, please let me know in the comment section below so I could try it. I would really try whatever it takes to make this better, please.

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10 months ago
