See Through The Barriers

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1 year ago

In a small village, there lived a young boy who was very passionate about playing soccer. He used to go to the nearby field every day and play soccer with his friends. His father was also a soccer player and had always encouraged him to follow his passion.

One day, the boy's father died in a tragic accident, leaving him alone with his mother. The boy lost all his interest in playing soccer as it reminded him of his father. He stopped going to the field and started avoiding his friends.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, but the boy remained inactive and sad. He couldn't get over the loss of his father. His mother tried her best to console him, but nothing seemed to work.

One day, a stranger came to their village and started coaching the young children in soccer. The boy observed it from a distance and slowly started to gain interest again. He started going to the field again and soon joined the group of children.

The stranger saw the talent in the boy and started training him separately. The boy worked hard and practiced every day. He realized that playing soccer was not only his passion but also a way to honor his father's legacy.

One day, the boy's team got selected to represent their village in the regional soccer tournament. They played against various teams from other villages and eventually reached the finals. In the final match, they faced a very strong team and were trailing behind in the game.

The boy, who was the captain of the team, decided to take the responsibility onto himself. He played with all his heart and soul, scoring three crucial goals that helped his team win the championship. The entire village cheered and clapped as the boy lifted the trophy high.

The boy learned a valuable lesson that day – that nothing is impossible if you have the courage and determination. He realized that his father's spirit lived inside him and that playing soccer was his way of keeping his father's memory alive.

From that day on, the boy continued to follow his passion and became a renowned soccer player, winning several championships for his village. His mother was proud of him, and he was happy that he was able to make his father proud too.

For everything we aspire to achieve,barriers and limitation will always try to presents themselves once we focus on them,their effect will weigh us down.
Limitation onlys exists in your mind raise your frequnce!

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Written by
1 year ago
