You shaming your brother with his sins is a greater sin than his disobedience

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~ Ibn al-Qayyim, Madarij al-Salikin 1/195 stared that.

قال الإمام ابن القيم:

إنَّ تعييرَك لأخيك بذنبه أعظمُ إثمًا مِن ذنبه، وأشدُّ مِن معصيته>

مدارج السالكين: 195/1

Today, there is action and no account. But tomorrow (Day of Judgement), there will be no action but there will be account


Presenting the TRUTH with BAD MANNER is like giving BAD ADVERT to a GOOD PRODUCT.

Hardly to see a customer.

And the REALITY is that nobody will accept the TRUTH presented in a bad manner except the one that knew the Truth before.

Sometimes we face a consistent period of difficulty, hardship, a season of deprivation and loneliness, only because Allah is protecting us from a greater harm that we do not perceive. And years down the lane, we will get to know why this exactly happened and why we went through what we went through and things will start making sense. And even if they don’t make sense in this world, it will make sense definitely in the hereafter, where we will be recompensed and shown Allah’s wisdom.

*So be patient*

Those who died yesterday had plans for this morning. And those who died this morning had plans for tonight. Don’t take life for granted. In the blink of an eye, everything can change. So forgive often and love with all your heart. You may never get to have that chance again.

We often fear the storms that life brings, but we forget that sometimes it is that very storm that drives us to find shelter with the only true shelter in this world and the next – Allah. Storms make us understand how vulnerable and powerless we really are and teach us to submit to Allah’s decree. And only that submission brings us the peace we were seeking all along.

You cannot run away from Allah, His bounties are surrounding you and His Decree is governing you wherever you go. So, it is better that you run to Him, as He is calling upon you and welcoming you to His mercy and forgiveness!

Nothing lasts. Even some of the people the Almighty sends our way are only meant to accompany us temporarily. Don’t be upset when He moves people out of your life. It’s His Plan. You need to carry on your journey. You’ll meet more along the way. He’s keeping an eye on you!

The truth is most of us have more than we need. We have practically all the basic necessities and more. Sadly, we tend to look at the few things we don't have & become depressed & despondent. Be careful because the Almighty doesn’t like ingratitude. He can take it away. Anytime!

Stop looking for reasons to be unhappy. Focus on the blessings you do have from Allah, and you'll find plenty of reasons to be happy.

Accept and be happy for what Allah has blessed you with, it may be a small thing to you. But to others, that small thing could be their biggest dream. Be grateful for every minute of your life, there are many going through hardships more than you!

If you are obedient to Allah but still find yourself surrounded by trials, know that Allah loves you very much.

You think regret is when you did not marry the person you wanted or did not study the course you liked! NO. Regret is you reaching the grave without enough good deeds. May ALLĀH SWT forgive US accept and guide us. Aameen

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Wani lokaci mukan fuskanci daidaitaccen lokacin wahala, wahala, lokacin rashi da kadaici, kawai saboda Allah yana kiyayemu daga wata cuta mafi girma da bamu sani ba. Kuma shekaru kasa.

Sometimes we face a consistent period of difficulty, hardship, a season of deprivation and loneliness, only because Allah is protecting us from a greater harm that we do not perceive. And years down the lane, we will get to know why this exactly happened and why we went through what we went through and things will start making sense. And even if they don’t make sense in this world, it will make sense definitely in the hereafter, where we will be recompensed and shown Allah’s wisdom.

👆👆👆👆👆👆👆 well Done my Bross 😀 that's great article.

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3 years ago

Masha Allah .. :)

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3 years ago


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3 years ago

Thank you for reading through

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