Minding other people's business

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Personally, I believe, minding other people's business once in a while is not a bad thing. I find nothing objectionable in being interested in other people. I mean, who does not like to know the secrets and mysteries in the lives of others?

This photo is not mine; I found this on facebook

Glancing into an open window, especially if it is wide open, is for me, irresistible. I can recall many pictures I have enjoyed but there are also times when I wished I didn't saw it.

A young boy talking to his favorite dog. Tenderly caressing the fur, back and forth. Seeming to have a deep connection between the two. The boy held the front feet of the dog and danced on the beat. The dog looks joyful and enjoying the moment with his owner.

Another time, I saw from my window a sweet couple walking down the street. I recognized the faceβ€”my neighbor with his new boyfriend. The guy looks cool and loving. They are holding each other's hand while walking just like any other couple would do. It's normal to people who are in a relationship.

When I slept over in my friend's house, I heard a woman shouting angrily. Soon, the voice became louder and louder. I can't resist going outside, so is my friend. The woman found out that her husband is cheating on her; she's driving him away. Before long, the neighborhood came out too. There are also children watching as if there is a live show that's happening. I pitied the little kids who're watching, they'll think it's the right thing to do. What will happen if they became adults too? Guess. We'll never know.

On my way home, I saw two grim-faced young men walking side by side apparently arguing about something. Suddenly, one of them gave his companion a blow with his left fist which landed squarely on the latter's jaw. He followed this with quick successive punches on the stomach. Caught unaware, the victim crumpled to the ground in a heap. The assailant trampled on his victim's already battered face with the heels of his heavy shoes, then ran and disappeared into an alley. No one pursued him. People began to gather on the sidewalk where the incident took place; staring curiously at the unconscious man. But no one dared to go near the victim to find out if the man is still alive, much less to give him first aid. Seeing the helpless figure made me tremble in fear. The blood is oozing.

Going to my grandmother's house, I passed by the Fontabella Villa, I heard it is one of the biggest houses in that vicinity. The gate was open and the garden was beautiful. Out of curiosity, I thought I would just peep in. I drew near a steel window where I could enjoy a full view of the living room. On a piano was the picture of a beautiful lady who, I supposed, was the mistress of this big house. The furniture was antique; statuettes, pedestals scattered around, and the heavy curtains gave the room a regal effect. It's like what I see in my mother's favorite noontime show.

The house was in disorder, I wondered if there were people inside. I was attracted by an empty bottle of milk lying on the floor. Near it was a little girl busily tearing the pages of a magazine. She was chewing something which I suspected was a piece of paper. On a big sofa was an older girl dressed in white. She was asleep, almost falling off the sofa. Was she the nurse supposed to look after the girl? So much elegance and wealth and so much neglect too.

These are scenes I have witnessed; some are very touching, others are quite puzzling. If you feel the urge to peep into someone's window, be sure you don't know the people inside or they don't know you. And be sure that you do not linger too long; otherwise, you might get caught.

I know you came here because it contradicts your perspective. But let me enlighten you a bit: that what I have laid in here is different in what you'll always see on social media. That people came barging into someone's life without consent.

Sometimess in our life we'll encounter different insights thus, make sure to read through it.

$ 0.14
$ 0.14 from @TheRandomRewarder
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As for me, I don't mind much about what's happening to my surroundings. Whenever there's somebody fighting I don't mind πŸ˜† But I listen, my ears are wide open to gather information. That information I know I just keep it myself, if one day the circle talks about it I can spit some details and they'll be surprised how come I know it πŸ˜†

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah. As long as you don't go through them or barging in their scene it's okay. After all, we have ears to listen, enough to satiate our curiosityπŸ˜‚

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah para iwas trouble at di masyado mapagkamalang chismosa πŸ˜†

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oo hahaha kunwari di chismosa. Hahaha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

hahaha kaya nga para di mahalata masyado lol

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Keme lang hindi chismosa noh haha di nila alam professional na na tsismosa hahaha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

hahahha kaya nga level up πŸ˜†

$ 0.00
3 years ago