How to be a Good Conversationalist

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3 years ago

What is fun about going to a party is not only the dancing but also the talking and conversing. Do you know a wallflower is? We have a name for this in the vernacular. You won't be a wallflower if you learn not to be a conversational wallflower.

A conversational wallflower says nothing and no one has anything to say to her.

How does one become a good conversationalist? By having something to say and knowing how to say it. You might say, "I simply have nothing to say to people I don't know very well. I'm shy. When I see people looking at me, I get embarassed."

To be a good conversationalist, follow these simple rules:

  1. Read much.Many people cannot converse for lack of ideas. They know they are not well informed and this gives them a feeling of insecurity and self-conciousness. Where do people get ideas? From books, magazines, and newspapers. Be informed of the issues of the day. Formulate your own opinions.

  2. Learn to listen. Listen to what others say. This is another way to become well informed. Be a good listener. It seems paradoxical but to be a good conversational you must be a good listener. Most people want to talk; it is simply a matter of getting them started. Once they start talking, you can relax and listen sympathetically, with understanding and warm receptiveness to what they say. If you can do this, you will be known as a good conversationalist.

  3. Learn to utilize conversational gambits. When you meet persons whom you don't know and with whom you have very little in common, utilize conversational gambits. These are: the weather, sports, movies, books, movie personalities, your school activities, school subjects, etc.

  4. Watch your speech. Speak in a normal voice; don't whisper. Speak clearly and distinctly; don't mumble. Develop a pleasant, agreeable voice. Have you noticed the difference the voice of your older sister when she snaps at you and when she talks to her friend?

Those are the salient points that one must follow in order to engage properly in a certain conversation. Thus, make sure to remember the rules; practice daily and you'll be a good conversationalist later.

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” – Mark Twain

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