Education amidst chaos: Embracing the new normal

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3 years ago

Back then, everything was fine, until covid-19 pandemic came and cause chaotic disturbance at all aspects of our lives—of course including our education. We cannot deny the fact that everything became difficult, to the extent that even going outside is fearsome.

The things we used to do before will no longer be possible today. Say for instance, dining in a restaurant on the same table, commuting in a public vehicle with overloading passengers, taking pictures cannot be done while clinging to each other and so on, all of this is due to the implementation of social distancing which is indeed necessary in order to prevent transmission of virus.

All of those became part of our new normal, hence, education is also very much affected.

This topic I laid down is based on my own point of view, insights, perspective or whatever you call it. Thus, allow me to spare some of my time to express my opinions, but be aware that I do not intend to hurt or misled people of my thoughts regarding the issue.

In colleges and universities, their class has already started. We knew how hefty it was for them since not all were born with silver spoon or are well privileged and smart. Despite the plea, appeal, or complaints that institutions have received from students and other involved persons, still they are inexorable. They are determined on pushing through the opening of class.

For that reason, not just students are suffering, it is evident in news reports or social media platforms that even teaching personnel and parents were affected too. The fact that our internet connection is poor they still push through an online class. Consequently, many students were having emotional stress because of the thought on how they will face everyday struggle such as mobile top-up or load, weak internet connection, unconducive learning environment, responsibilities at home and the like.

Imagine, being haunted by the same thought and circumstances every single day yet none of them can understand the dilemma you are having right now.

I know you'll say, "if there's a will, there's a way." But are you sure of that? Not all have the same way of thinking, this is why we have diverse personalities brought by varied family background and environment. You know what I mean.

As what I have observed, higher number of students were just participating in class to pass. To pass requirements. Sadly, the very essence of education was set aside just to comply with the things they were asked to do. Is this what they call quality education?

Meanwhile, primary and secondary education have started as well. The parents were anxious and troubled on how they will explain every little detail to their children. Yes, CHILDREN. Not just one but many.

See? I myself, experienced this kind of thing. Not all students are fast learners. I've seen many situations that the pupils weren't the one reading and answering the modules. The one who will absorb the learning are the parents or elder siblings not the suppose individual.

Nevertheless, the authorities have passed down this predicament to us, so I guess we can no longer stop this anymore. Therefore, we must do our best to surpass these challenging times. I hope that the students and certain individuals can still withstand this dilemma.

But no matter what, let us now embrace the new normal of education amidst the chaos that are happening right now. Hoping for peace in everyone's mind as we battle with this horrible pandemic. Hope this will end soon. Fighting!

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3 years ago
