Different perspective

0 31

Human nature is like an abstract paintingβ€”difficult to understand especially when the artist himself add more depth to his canvas. This is why we tend to have different insights or perspective towards something,on someone or onto situation.

Furthermore, this matter include deep understanding so as not to create discord or disagreement towards our fellow. We must not judge hastily for the reason that we live in different environment and that we are born and raised in varied nature.

In addition to the matter let me define now what perspective is.

Perspective pertains to a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.

Thus, let me give a concrete example of human nature's complexity; the pessimist and optimist's side.

(1) the pessimist

"My arms and my legs are already too cold and limp. And I am just too tired, too weak, to keep swimming"

This is the part when we already lose our hope due to the unhappy things we have encountered. Making us suffer anxiety and stress hence becoming pessimistic through the years.

The next one is..

(2) the optimist

"The waves are continuously crashing, so is our life. It will never be the same as before, but it will get better now."

This is when we overcame the dilemma that happened to our life. We become more postive on looking at the side of things. We tend to be more happy as the days went by.

So, dear reader, let me ask you. On which side are you on right now? Share your perspective below and let's talk about that.


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