The Bigger The Dream The Harder You Have to Work

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2 years ago

A magic genie is about to show up they're going to grant you one wish and one wish only, you can't wish to bring somebody back from the dead or cure cancer or anything like that it's got to be for you what do you wish for?

Because I wanted to know what their selfish desire was, I wanted to know whether I could help them develop those skills or not, and I probably asked that question 300 times.

I got the same answer every single time what are the odds of that? About the 10th time, I heard the answer I thought my team is trying to punk me I was like, this is impossible. How are people saying the same thing over and over the answer was so horrifying to me.

The magic genie that was going to show up everybody wanted to ask for the same thing, anybody guesses as to what it is?

A million dollars, this is a magical genie, boys and girls, and if you ask for a million dollars, you can't even buy a house in Los Angeles for a million dollars, you could've asked for a trillion dollars?

You could've asked for a money printing machine that people always buy you could ask for a gun that turns things into anything you want, and you asked for a million dollars? I was aghast I was like, this isn't happening. How is this possible?

This is a failure of imagination on such a terrifying scale that I'm at a loss for words. The issue is their frame of reference, their frame of reference is that that is an impossible amount of money they did, in my words.

They couldn't think any bigger than that when you look outside when you look at whatever it is with your business, or you look at whatever it is with your relationship whatever these things are that you're trying to do there are going to be waved after wave of inconvenience.

That hits you in the face all right, that doesn't matter people who win regardless of those waves it's not that they don't have those waves it's that they say hey, I can't control what is going on all I control is what I decide in my mind and the actions I take some days are going to be harder than others.

Some days are going to be a little easier than others, but I can promise you one thing for sure there will never be a day that goes exactly as you want it to go it doesn't exist every everything that you see doing whatever it is that you want to do.

Whether it be a business, whether it be sports, whether it be in music, whether it be in fitness, whether it be having a great relationship these people of them will wake up and do work regardless of what's going on in their life period everyone has that time in their life when they want to give up they want throwing in the towel now is not the time to do so; instead, you must fight back.

Now, you must fight back, you must get up and keep fighting so don't wait on the opportunity to come you make that opportunity if something is standing in your way bust through the walls.

$ 0.28
$ 0.23 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Lucifer01
Avatar for Calista-Blog
2 years ago


What an impressive way to inspire others! I appreciate it dear. Never give up on hard working and achieving your dreams. And yes, welcome to the family dear. The Devil is so happy to see you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago