Premenstrual syndrome.

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Avatar for Calabar_son
1 year ago
Topics: Human Existence

PMS can be so frustrating eh!

I was supposed to have compiled this article weeks back but I was working on something else so I forgot. But something happened last night so I was forced to remember this article


This thing can a girl very vulnerable and uncomfortable.

It happens within 5 to 11 days before the main madam that's the monthly flow.

It has a few symptoms (I'm not talking about physical symptoms)


Sudden change in mood

Crying spells


Poor sleep or sleeping too much.

Lack of interest and problem in concentration.

Personally I get really pissed and irritated.

I would cry for very little things( gosh! I hate this one) and then I'll start eating like a pregnant horse. There's more o! But I personally hate these 3. It differs for every girl or woman.

In as much as it can not be erased, something can be done to make it bearable and to brighten your mood.

1 Track your symptoms. This way, when you start misbehaving , you'll know if it's PMS or not. Check how you behave during certain times so that you'll know the time it starts.

2 Nutrition helps a lot too. Food rich in calcium can help the sadness and irritability. The good sources of calcium are;



Leafy green vegetables.

Vitamin B-6 helps too. It can be found in;




( If you're a guy and you're reading this, you owe me malt. I've told you the secret to the curing your girlfriend's monthly craze. Biko buy her chicken and fruits)

Aunty please avoid junk food. Too much sugar can aid in ruining your mood. Replace it with fruits for some days. Avoid heavy meals too. Eat in small bits. So instead of eating 3 big meal, I personally eat like 5-6 times. For some people it's actually instinctive. My roommate knows that I do this .

Please sleep and rest properly. If you don't sleep well during this time, you'll be beating people because you'll be so cranky. Have 7-8 hour of sleep at night.

Las Las don't stress yourself.

Try and apply these things in this month, you'll notice a little difference

The Lord is our strength

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Avatar for Calabar_son
1 year ago
Topics: Human Existence
