12 Tips to Help You Improve Your Nature Photography Skills

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Avatar for Calabar_son
1 year ago

Nature photography covers shooting flora and fauna. This means plants, flowers, and animals, photographed in their immediate environments.
It’s challenging because of the variety of subjects and movement. But we’ve got you covered with all the nature photography tips you need.

1.Pick the Right Lens for Nature Photography

There is a famous Boy Scouts saying – always be prepared. This applies to nature photography too.

Figuring out the best lens for a particular type of photography isn’t an exact science. You may have different goals for different shots.
In general, you’d do best to use a lens with a longer focal length. This could be a zoom lens, with a wide aperture.

This is for two reasons. First, you’ll want the longest reach possible. Some nature photography subjects, such as animals, will involve some distance. This way, you can observe and photograph without disturbing them.

Second, we’ll want to provide a sharp image of our subject against a creamy, blurred background. This will make the subject pop. To do this, you need to understand the foreground and background distances. Use a lens with a wide aperture such as f/1.4, f/1.8, or f/2.8.

2.Separate the Subject From the Background

Nature photography usually features a subject such as a plant, animal or flower. This means that you need to separate that subject from the background of the frame.
You’ll need to judge the placement of the elements in the frame. And you’ll need to make a few adjustments.

First, you’ll want some distance between your foreground and background. This will help separate them in the shot.
Use a wider aperture (lower f-stop number) such as f/2.0 or f/2.8. Focus on the subject in the foreground. The wide aperture should yield a softer, blurry background.

3.Crop Close on Textures

We draw inspiration from nature for many things in life. From colors, to sounds, to patterns. Some of the most interesting subjects can be right in front of us.

When shooting nature photography, zoom in and crop close on your subject. This could be tree bark, a leaf, the forest floor, a lizard’s skin.

There is a whole new world waiting for you when you look closer. For an even closer look, invest in a macro lens. These lenses magnify even the tiniest details and can produce some amazing images.

4.Study Your Subjects for Better Nature Photography

Nature photography is an interesting topic, and continues to be so all over the world.

It’s very important to study your subject, as far as nature photography tips go. This is for a few reasons. First, we can better capture images of things we understand.

Knowing your subject’s habits will also help you predict shots. You’ll know when that swan is about to charge, or when that particular plant is in bloom. And if you find out the animal you’re photographing isn’t so dangerous? Then you can start capturing close-up photography.

4.Shoot Your Subject in Their Natural Context for Powerful Images

This isn’t a hard and fast rule, but rather, a guideline. If you’re going to shoot nature photography, try to keep everything in the shot natural.

There’s nothing wrong with taking a picture of the bird on a power line, or spider on the side of your house. It can make for some creative and interesting juxtapositions.

But if you’re after powerful nature photos, then photograph animals and plants in their natural habitat.

5.Take the Right Gear for Taking Nature Photography

We’ve already discussed lenses, and later we’ll touch on camera bodies. But it’s easy to overlook other useful items.

On the photography side, a camera bag with extra gear such as batteries and lenses is a no-brainer.

But how many times do nature photographers venture into a remote shooting location without their tripod? More times than you can count, I assure you.

Also, don’t forget to wear appropriate clothing for the location and season. It may not seem like weather for a jacket, but wait until the sun drops behind the horizon.
Plan ahead. Hats, gloves, and different shoes could all prove useful. This might be one of the most important wildlife photography tips for beginners.

What about navigation? Don’t depend on your phone. Bring a current map and a compass, and learn how to use them.

I'll complete this series on my next article.

Hope you find this worth value.🌹

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1 year ago
