CTENA.finance DeFi dApp

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2 years ago
Topics: Cryptocurrency

CTENA.finance is a community based project born in Italy from a crypto-experts group. The project aims to design digital tools to enable the access to the “Decentralized Finance” DeFi.

CTENA DeFi Yield Farming dApp (distributed application for managing yields from DeFi products) - vault.ctena.finance - it is designed to help to gain yields by just deposit crypto assets using the decentralized technologies as smart contracts and web3

CTENA.finance dApp is a Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Yields Optimizer, that allows its users to make more crypto. Using our DeFi application anyone with a supported wallet can interact with our DeFi products making it easy to get a yield on the invested crypto capital in a safe and decentralized way.

Our macro category of DeFi CTENA.finance products are:

🚰 One-click Liquidity Pool providers

🔐 Yield-farming Vaults
🛁 Staking Pools
📈 DAO Governed DeFi index funds with yield earning
💰  In-app DeFi token swap

 🖼 NFT tools [and NFT marketplace coming soon] 

Main ctena.finance dApp products

Through a set of smart contracts and several investment strategies, CTENA.finance dApp automatically maximizes the user rewards from various liquidity pools (LPs), automated market making (AMM) projects, and other yield farming opportunities in the DeFi ecosystem. This provides a huge advantage over attempting to do this manually yourself. 

Actually the ecosystem is developed on Binance Smart Chain, but in the near future we are planning to explore other EVM compatible blockchains as Fantom, Solana, Polkadot, Polygon Matic or Avax

Currently CTENA.finance investment strategy smart contracts have an average yield greater than other CEX or DeFi platforms such as Binance or Pancakeswap.

🚰 Liquidity Pools

(https://vault.ctena.finance/#/bsc) - automatic swap from BNB

Users can provide liquidity to CTENA Liquidity Pool on pancakeswap directly from CTENA.finance dApp. Provide Liquidity to CTENA.finance Liquidity Pools on pancakeswap help the CTENA token to increase liquidity for the exchanges between CTENA and BNB or BUSD BSC tokens.

🔒 Vaults


 Currently CTENA.finance offers the following vaults:

  1. 🔒 CTENA Maxi


  3. 🔒 BTC → APY ~3 %

  4. 🔒 ETH → APY ~3 %

  5. 🔒 CAKE → APY ~60 %

  6. 🔒 BTCB-BNB LP → APY ~6 %

  7. 🔒 ETH-BNB LP (Pancakeswap) → APY ~6 %

  8. 🔒 ETH-BNB LP (ApeSwap) → APY ~18 %

  9. 🔒 BTCST-BNB LP → APY ~16 %

  10. 🔒 CAKE-BNB LP → APY ~40 % 

  11. 🔒 LINK-BNB LP → APY ~7 %

  12. … more coming!

 The users can invest directly BNB tokens into the liquidity pool of e.g. CAKE-BNB LP with just one click, by choosing BNB from the dropdown menu in the deposit text field. 

 With one transaction you will deposit BNB to the CTENA Vault contract, that autonomously will:

  • first tx) swap half of the BNB in CAKE;

  • second tx) put x BNB and y CAKE in the CAKE-BNB LP on pancakeswap v2

  • third tx) deposit the CAKE-BNB LP token share in the CAKE-BNB LP vault.

 … with the savings of two BSC transaction fees

Our vaults are burning! We offer on average more APY than Pancakeswap on the same token or liquidity pool pair: CTENA Vault CAKE APY 78.05% > APY 77.49% Pancakeswap Auto CAKE pool. Boost 🔥 for APY of our CAKE-BNB LP Vault (now offer ~200% APY, 0.54% daily).

  • CAKE Vault — APY ~78.05%

  • CAKE pool on Pancakeswap — APY 77.49% and APY 58.26%

 We added an “HARVEST” button to each Vault that enables users to harvest vault reward fees. Part of the vault reward fees are used to buy back CTENA.

🛁 Staking Pools 


In the CTENA.finance protocol we have added the possibility of staking the CTENA token, so the investor has the possibility of being able to earn more CTENA or BNB through the staking pools.

In CTENA.finance Staking section clicking for example on "Earn CTENA" CTENA-BNB LP "Stake" button the following screen will opens:

After the approving of the CTENA.finance staking contract, the user can deposit its CTENA token and start to earn Pool rewards.

Tokens can be stake and unstake whenever the user would like. Rewards are paid at each BSC block.


Swap BSC tokens at best rates from Binance & PancakeSwap and more. Zero fee. Instantly  Ctena Swap.

 CTENA dApp users now can swap CTENA with other tokens directly from our CTENA.finance dApp!


CTENA.finance Protocol & Token

⛓ CTENA Governance Token

CTENA.finance has its native governance Token $CTENA as its core. 

CTENA Token has auto liquidity and burning features. It is deflationary, designed to capture value and governs the CTENA community project. CTENA token, is listed on Pancakeswap, Nomics, dAppRadar, CoinPaprika and more, on Binance Smart Chain. 

Any CTENA or LP holder can submit proposals and vote on things like:

  • Adding new vaults & liquidity pools

  • Adding new pages & features

  • Brand updates

  • UI/UX improvements

  • Fee adjustments

  • etc.

Before submitting a proposal to https://snapshot.org/#/ctena.eth & to get maximum exposure, we recommend presenting your idea to the CTENA Finance telegram groups.

The 54,9% liquidity has been locked for 2 years till 27.11.2023, using UNICRYPT. At that date we can make yet another decision on if we want to migrate over to v3. 

The investors have always some liquidity to swap CTENA on CTENA/BNB LPv2 on pancakeswap (no rug pull!).

CTENA is a token on Binance Smart Chain boasting a number of impressive features. It is the first token with a Black Hole design that exponentially cuts the total supply in circulation by massive amounts (2% of transaction fees). CTENA combines this with an innovative Auto-Liquidity feature that increases liquidity of the token rapidly (6% of transaction fees). And finally, CTENA has massive decentralization on a scale rarely seen in other tokens. 

Combine these three together and you get a power house token out of the hands of anyone, except the community as a whole. The Black Hole counts as one of the wallet holders that 2% of transaction fees are distributed to. This results in exponential growth of the black hole and exponential burn of the token supply. At the time of this writing, the black hole has already grown to 46% percent ownership of the total supply.

The CTENA token can be traded on

Pancakeswap https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0x8f4fc37bff97e6e7fd4355a5df76a486ac1e2e1c

Listed on:
I) Nomics.com

II) DappRadar https://dappradar.com/binance-smart-chain/defi/ctena-finance

III) Cointoplist.net https://cointoplist.net/coin/catena

Seguici sui nostri canali ufficiali:

👉 🌍 https://ctena.finance
👉 📚 https://catena-protocol.gitbook.io/catena-protocol/
👉 🌳 https://linktr.ee/Catena_Finance
👉 🇬🇧🇺🇸 https://t.me/catenaprotocol_eng
👉 ⛓🇮🇹 https://t.me/catenaprotocol
👉 ⛓🇪🇸 https://t.me/ctenafinanceesp
👉 ⛓⛓ https://t.me/catenaprotocolchannel

Explorer https://explorer.bitquery.io/bsc/token/0x8f4fc37bff97e6e7fd4355a5df76a486ac1e2e1c

Gitbook https://catena-protocol.gitbook.io/catena-protocol/

Bitcointalk https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5345044.0

Github https://github.com/catenaprotocol

Telegram https://t.me/catenaprotocol_eng

Discord https://discord.gg/3ZhGKhtcwf

Twitter https://twitter.com/CatenaProtocol

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/catenaprotocol

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/catena_protocol/

Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3RUkkt7yUSLwaysvi_VRXA

Medium https://catenaprotocol.medium.com/

Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/company/ctena-finance/

Roadmap https://catena-protocol.gitbook.io/catena-protocol/proposals/untitled

$ 0.00
Avatar for CTENAFinance
2 years ago
Topics: Cryptocurrency
