Bitcoin cash and the problem with change?

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Avatar for CRYptoBeAr
3 years ago
Topics: Bitcoin Cash

Bitcoin cash has an image problem with it being a folk of Bitcoin cash. I think it the same problem with your favourite sport teams or gold vs silver. What if I gave you a coke cola or a Pepsi which one would you choose?

Crypto is a new or newish technology and will change the way that we live in all aspect of live I mean look, what if you want to buy a share Microsoft and keep it in a Digital wallet? You can with Crypto and it would be like on paper shares back in the olde days, it’s yours to keep and hold and not on an exchange…

I went a bit off topic here, or did I?

No, no I did.

Typing and drinking Peroni isn’t a good thing I guess, I just had one at the moment though.

Bitcoin cash has everything that bitcoin has but is better suited towards a cash replacement or a substitute. Here are some pointers of why Bitcoin cash is better

Low transaction fees!

Damn I need another beer, two seconds my friend I will be right back…

Right, where was I?

I do hold Bitcoin cash and I do believe in it and it’s a form of exchange, just like silver or gold but digital. If you have got down to this point of the read, Well done! Have a cookie or a beer, not too many though (no one will know unless they can read minds, that will be another read for the future.)

The point is crypto is in the early adoption and you will miss out if you don’t invest, just small part of your earning, this is the boom or bubble, one of the two. There will only be one, some highlander Quotes there, buy you fools (lord of the rings quote there). Buy, don’t buy that is the question?

This is bottle two of the beer and I have run out but in all, do what you want. I read about the crypto and see the future so many great things will come out of this don’t let this slide. I mean look if you can crypto the dollar, Pound or euro with no need for the middle man(banks)? If the Doller becomes a crypto then banks will have to raise interest rates again, isn’t that a good think? I’ve really gone off topic, don’t drink or Drink I don’t care…

Guys and Girls this is an opportunity to be part of the future don’t let this miss you. only have so many opportunities in life and this is one! Just get into to at least one of the top 10 Crypto (DO your research!) Please don’t just buy any Crypto.

Read the white paper! Or just find A lot of YouTube videos (None of them about 1000x or 100x) just don’t miss this, Think about your future, Please…

Time for a whiskey because I drunk my two beers.

Please Invest in any good Crypto (Research).

I should Change the title of this Paper, but I’m to lazy

$ 0.31
$ 0.31 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for CRYptoBeAr
3 years ago
Topics: Bitcoin Cash
