the treasure book

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At the beginning of the second century, she was a Christian, a miserably poor widow, exhausted by old age and privations, was dying in a marginal neighborhood of Baghdad, Persia. She knew that death would soon come to claim her, so calling her youngest son, she gave him a certain book that during years I had kept hidden [Music] my son told the boy this book was given to me in payment by a powerful sorcerer to whom long ago I gave an inn for one night. Its pages contain detailed instructions to locate an immense hidden treasure in a distant country, once you have this book in your hands there is only one condition that you have to strictly observe: it must be read by you page by page and without skipping any, if you go ahead to get faster to the end, this book will start to vanish immediately and you will never be able to find the treasure, remember this well page by page and you will be rich and powerful when you reach the last one. After his mother passed away and after the obligatory mourning, Omar, that was the name of that young man, began to read the book and as his mother had indicated. but several pages later the text no longer continued in the Persian language but in another Arabic language, the young man immediately thought of a translator but if he found one he would also know how to get to the treasure [Music] from there that he insisted on studying that Arabic language and after several months learning he continued reading its pages one by one but it happened that thirty pages later that text continued in another language that was Chinese and so every so many pages these changed to another language forcing the persistent Omar to dedicate himself with discipline and tenacity to master them all and being an expert polyglot would begin to earn good money as a translator and interpreter of all kinds of foreign texts, approaching the final part of the book and as its content had detailed instructions on how to manage the treasure once it was in his possession he insisted on studying economics and additionally mining including everything related to the composition and value of metals c Like gold, silver and valuable minerals, also becoming a qualified expert in different types of precious stones [Music], in the same way he learned engineering and urban planning, growing his reputation as a cultured man and great wisdom to such an extent that he even reached the ears of the supreme ruler shap Persian who entrusted him with several projects Omar carried them out with such efficient professionalism that the so-called king of kings summoned them to his palace, when he left there after hours of conversation he had already been appointed general administrator of the empire his honest and accurate management in such high office that soon after the humble son of a marginal and impoverished widow became as admired by the citizens as the emperor himself, eventually and just before his marriage to none other than the most beautiful daughter of the Shah of Persia Omar, finally reached the last page of the treasure book, there was written only this sentence the greatest riches that exist are the cone foundation and knowledge.

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