Bitcoin VS. Bitcoin Cash

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3 years ago

Bitcoin has become the most populer cryptocurency based on peer to peer network.Bitcoin is converted into orignal bitcoin cash BCH in 2017. Diffrent proof of works are defined algorithems. Profitability depends on both the price of coin and diffuculty of the crypto mining.Both BTC and BTC model a game in which we show to maintain the chain of mining.

It is the most populer cryptocurrency which use some exchangers application like blockchain.bitcoin cash make the transaction are recorded in a unit of block.

Open to All

Bitcoin cash (BCH) is an open source software project which can be used every where any time. So anyone can review and make changes to the code.Debate on the best code changes and implementations are always happening and is the key to a healthy and decentralized ecosystem.


Nobody controls or owns Bitcoin cash.Transactions cannot be make without blockcain.Blockchain is the main application to exchange or transactions.

Fixed Supply

Only 21 million will ever be created and defeating the inflationary issues that plague all fiat currencies

Low Fees

The ability to make reliable, fast, affordable transactions is a paramount tenet of Bitcoin cash.It is not costly.very low fees is available.

Growing Pains

Over the years Bitcoin cash has grown into a worldwide phenomenon. As Bitcoin cash grew in popularity it became apparent that the Bitcoin community needed to solve a scaling issue.

The problem was as more people used the network. the limited size of the 1MB blocks within the blockchain started to become full. This lead to less reliable transactions and much higher transaction fees, which undermines the ease of use of the entire system.

The Hard Fork

On August 1, 2017, the developers of Bitcoin-ABC initiated a hard fork of the Bitcoin blockchain to increase the block size. This new chain had 8MB blocks and was called Bitcoin Cash.

Bitcoin Cash News

Keep up with the latest news and engage with the Bitcoin Cash community in the Bitcoin Cash Telegram Channel!Get your questions answered, make new friends, and stay informed.

Our main contributioms are:

1: Model a game between bitcoin and bitcoin cash and make mining between them.

2: we introduce a risk of automatic mining and predict the current BCH would leave when 5% of the total mining power in BTC and BCH involves in auyomatic mining..

3: Blocks are genrating is called mining and nodes are participating in data mining which is calles miners.

4: Average time period of bitcoin cash is 10 minutes to genrate a block.

5: Many people are involved in this field.

Ideological and block size differences apart. There are several similarities between Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash. Both use the Proof of Work (PoW) consensus mechanism to mine new coins. They also share the services of Bitmain, the world’s biggest cryptocurrency miner.

The supply of Bitcoin Cash is capped at 21 million, the same figure as Bitcoin. Bitcoin Cash also started off using the same difficulty algorithm. Emergency Difficulty Adjustment (EDA) which adjusts difficulty every 2016 blocks or roughly every two weeks.

Miners took advantage of this similarity by alternating their mining activity between Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash. While it was profitable for miners, the practice was detrimental to increasing supply of Bitcoin Cash in the markets. Hence, Bitcoin Cash has revised its EDA algorithm to make it easier for miners to generate the cryptocurrency.

$ 0.23
$ 0.23 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Buxhi
Written by
3 years ago


Good Article My DEar

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Bitcoin Cash for life! mooning soon ❤️

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

It will moon soon. So better stock more bch

$ 0.00
3 years ago

i hope one day BCH will be in same range as a BTC or maybe more popular

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

BCH is becoming more &more popular these days. Thanks for sharing such a detailed article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank u

$ 0.00
3 years ago