Snow flakes::
Assalamu Alikum!
Most of you had seen snow flake pic, i also seen but i was thinking it might be just imaginative image of snow flake.
But today it's snow falling here and by chance i saw a snow flake and i was shocked to see that every snow flake has same pattern like this ❄.
Some were large and some were smaller in size.
I was really amazed to see nature's this beauty. How Allah has created each and every thing with such perfection.
To see such small things and perfection in their creation we could imagine how perfect would be our Allah who is the creator of such ting and big things with such perfection.
All our praises are for Allah.
To took this picture it took a long time and many attempts as i have to focus on such small flake and that dissolves very instantly into water just after falling and also they were not falling on the window glass but only few of them.