My Saturday Looks Like This

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2 years ago
Topics: Saturday, Weekend, Food, Blog

I admit, I have a love-hate relationship with Saturdays because I get excited when weekends come, I would imagine staying in bed all day, however, that is not the reality. My Saturdays are fun, tiring, exciting, and everything in between. To know more, this is what my Saturday looks like.

YESTERDAY: April 23, 2022

I woke up early as expected because I slept early last night, I wasn’t even able to finish one episode of the series I’m watching. I would’ve loved to stay long on bed but my papa saw me scrolling on my phone and teased me about it.

Saturday is my papa’s day off from work so we are happy during Saturdays among other days in a week. First thing in the morning and he told us that we’re going to find the bakery that sells hopia, which according to my mom, is delicious. This is a simple gesture but I notice and appreciate it so much. After which, he told us about the bulalohan in the neighboring town and we decided to have our breakfast there.

An hour later, we arrived at home safely and it’s time for me face the reality. I started to do the laundry and finished it right on time because I still had time left for my pets before lunch. I changed the water in the fish tank. I have gold fish anyway. And then, I took one of my dogs to bath because she should be bathed twice a week but sadly, I barely have time so I only do it at weekends.

We had lunch. This is our food which is one of my favorites. I prepared a calamansi juice also and sliced some mangos which came from my grandfather’s yard.

Next stop is to help my younger sister with her school activities. We’ve accomplished seven activities for today and I passed it on her Google classroom. There’s two more left and I guess we’ll do that tomorrow. I also checked her class guide for her synchronous class on Monday. I made a list of all the materials she’ll be needing so that my mom would not bother to settle these things.

I also made a list of the orders that I got on my small business. It is important to help me track those rush orders and the notes of the buyers with regards to their orders.

Our parents went home from the grocery and we had melons. My mom prepared it and then I added milk, sugar, and ice. We love this food so much because aside from it is healthy, it helps to beat the summer heat.

Papa also got us our favorite sweets: choco mani for me and gummy bears for my sister.

In the late afternoon, I walked all four of my dogs which is fun because I really love them and then we watered our plants. Papa also fixed his new plants which are orchids and guapple (a plant that will bear a bigger version of guava).

At night, I will do start my academic requirement for my Auditing class which is due on Monday and will also accomplish some of the orders.

A lot of other wonderful things happened but I guess I’ll keep it to myself. I feel tired but my heart is filled with joy and gratitude for simple Saturdays like this.

Thanks for reading!

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Saturday, Weekend, Food, Blog
