Getting home

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3 years ago

Getting home from the beach looks ridiculous compared to beaches in Thailand or surf courses in central Bali. In many ways, your previous life haunted you. On the other hand, dark periods of loneliness, depression, frustration, and isolation make the other day-to-day events of your daily life (things that you and others take for granted) much better and more meaningful. Last year I fell seriously ill in a rural village in India. Perhaps the last place in the world where you wanted to get sick. I had a burning fever, chills and a headache that broke the inside of my skull. I ran out of drinking water around 10:00 pm and the only store in town was closed for the night. I couldn't sleep in bed all night because of the heat and sweat. There is no cure. Dehydration and intense thirst. To make it even more interesting, hundreds of insects appeared in the room, which now crawled and buzzed along the walls.

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