Consistency in Life: How to Achieve It

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If you've ever tried to lose weight, go to the gym, or eat more vegetables than potato chips, you know how easy it is to get off track. One day you're eating well and exercising consistently, and the next day you wake up with a cold—and suddenly, ice cream sounds like a good idea. The same thing can happen with your finances or any other goal in life: you feel great about making progress one moment, only to slip back into old habits the next. In this post, we'll explore different ways of becoming more consistent in your daily routines so that you can achieve your goals faster than ever before!

Start small.

I know, it sounds simple. But the best way to start achieving consistency in life is by starting small. Just because you want to do something big doesn't mean you have to go all-in right away. Instead, begin with a small goal and build momentum from there. You can use this same pattern with any habit, task, or project that you have on your plate—just break it up into smaller steps, so they're easier to manage!

This advice may seem obvious, but I'm telling you: don't skip this step! The difference between being consistent and not will often come down to how well you execute the first few weeks or months of trying something new (e.g., waking up early). So take some time each night before bed and plan out what your week looks like—then set realistic goals for yourself based on how much time/energy/money etc. you have available during that period of time (and remember: always ask yourself what's realistic).

Write down your goal and reasons for making it.

The best way to get into the habit of writing down your goals is to make it a habit in the first place. You can write them down on a small piece of paper and keep them in your wallet or purse, on a wall near where you work, or anywhere else where they will be easily accessible. Once you start writing down your goals regularly and consistently, it will become easier for you to do so as time goes on.

The next step is to write down why you want this goal. This can help motivate yourself when times are tough and keep your focus from drifting away from what's important at any given moment. This should include things like "I want this because..." or "I want more money because..." Make sure that whatever reasons for pursuing something make sense for both short-term and long-term goals; if only one would apply (e.g., "I want more money"), then that may not be the best reason after all! It also doesn't hurt if they're personal rather than just being about some external goal: "I want this job because I know my boss really well" vs. "This job pays more money than anything else."

Find a buddy or accountability partner.

If you need more accountability in your life, find a buddy!

  • Find a workout partner that is on the same level as you. If you are just beginning to work out, then someone who has been lifting for years might be too advanced for your level of fitness. On the other hand, if your friend is just starting and learning new exercises, he/she may not have the experience to help teach them to you yet. Find someone who has similar goals and can push each other forward while learning from one another.

  • Find someone who shares similar interests as well. For example, maybe both of you love Starbucks lattes but hate training together because they like their coffee cold while yours needs heating up first. There could also be differences when it comes down to food preferences or even fashion choices too! It's important that both people get along well enough, so there isn't any resentment later down the line over anything else besides fitness-related matters!

Get organized.

Get organized.

The organization is the key to consistency. The more you can plan your life and schedule in advance, the more likely you are to be consistent.

There are many ways to organize yourself and make sure that your days run smoothly; for example:

  • Use a calendar or planner (or both). While this may seem obvious, it's something that most people don't do consistently. If you don't have an idea when certain things are happening in your life – like when homework is due or when your next dentist appointment is – then it will be hard for you to keep track of everything while maintaining consistency! You also need somewhere where all of this information is easy enough for any family members or friends who might help take care of certain things (like getting groceries), so they know what needs to be done on any given day. This can be anything from an old-fashioned paper planner with appointments written down every week or month at a glance with sticky notes attached here and there as reminders about upcoming events in case something slips through the cracks during busy times; all the way up until someone has created an entire digital ecosystem around their lives with apps such as Google Calendar which integrates seamlessly into other programs such as Gmail email accounts where scheduling messages between multiple people becomes much easier than ever before thanks largely due its popularity amongst users worldwide who now expect these kinds of features from every tool they use regularly."

Avoid temptation.

One of the best ways to stay consistent in life is to avoid temptation. We all know that it's impossible to resist every single temptation, but we can make our lives easier by making sure they don't even come up in the first place.

I suggest setting a timer for 15 minutes and doing one thing until it goes off (for example, writing down three things that went right today). If you get tempted during those 15 minutes to do something else, go back and finish what you started. If this happens again later in the day, well, then set another task!

Plan for life to interrupt your plans for consistency.

Be prepared for life to interrupt your plans for consistency.

It's a fact of life that things don't always go according to plan, and as much as we all want to see consistency in our lives, it's important to accept that this will sometimes happen—and even welcome it. The challenge is learning how to deal with interruptions, so they don't derail your goals entirely.

There are many things in life that can cause interruptions (and thus their effects on achieving consistency). Some examples include illness; family members who need help; unexpected trips or outings with friends or relatives; and work-related demands (such as an unexpected meeting with a client).

What do you do when these interruptions occur? The first thing is knowing how far away from your goal you are at any given moment. For example, if someone asks you to go out for dinner on Saturday night instead of completing that week's workout routine by Friday afternoon like planned, take stock of where exactly the interruption lands on the road map toward reaching your goal so that you know whether its impact is minimal or significant enough not only change direction but also delay reaching the finish line altogether (i.e., "stop" vs. "go"). Most people find themselves somewhere between these two extremes most often when dealing with real-life situations involving work deadlines vs. personal obligations—but there are infinite possibilities beyond those two extremes based solely upon what happens next!

Be kind to yourself and use good self-talk.

To be kind to yourself, you must be gentle with yourself. You must not be too hard on yourself; you should be too easy on yourself. If either of these extremes is true for you, it can lead to an unhealthy attitude toward your own well-being that causes problems in other areas of your life.

It's okay to acknowledge when something has gone wrong and allow yourself to feel bad about it, but don't let this feeling define who you are as a person or prevent self-improvement from happening because of it. You will never get better at anything if you refuse to take steps forward after making mistakes! Similarly, if someone else fails at something (or even just makes a mistake), do not let their failure define who they are as people either—be open-minded and have faith in them so that they can learn from their mistakes instead of giving up on themselves

Once you're consistent in one area of life, you can apply the practice to other areas.

Once you're consistent in one area of life, you can apply the practice to other areas. Consistency is like a muscle: the more you apply it, the stronger it gets. By practicing consistency in one area first, you can learn to be more consistent in all aspects of your life.

  • In terms of health and fitness, exercise can sometimes be difficult at first because there's usually a period of adjustment where your body has to get used to working out again (this is called 'deloading'). Once this initial period is over, then exercising becomes easier and more enjoyable as time passes.*

  • In terms of finances or business goals, they're easy to set aside because they don't have an immediate impact on our daily lives.*

  • In terms of dieting/weight loss/healthy eating habits—well, that's even easier since these are just smaller versions of the same problem we already had with exercise!


If you're looking for a way to improve consistency in your life, try one of these methods. You might find that they work better together than alone—or at least, they'll support each other. Start with small goals or habits that are easy to implement, so you can build up your confidence in making changes and sticking to them. Then use some kind of accountability partner to keep yourself on track; find someone who knows what you're doing, not just because it's good advice but because they've tried it themselves! Get organized by setting aside time each day or week when nothing else matters except accomplishing what needs doing (we know how hard this one is). Finally, remember that life will always get in the way of plans: plan around those interruptions as best we can, but also know when it's okay for things not to go according to plan.


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Well developed article. I appreciate it.

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1 year ago

Thanks, bro!

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