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I'm about to give up because my loved one doesn't like me

Trying to chase you I thought I could

But why did I change that?

On my troop

You cheated you changed me like that

I wish I had forgotten you

I was in tears because, 'I can't forget you and leave you

Because it's just you

I love you so much but I would have cheated now and would never have cheated on you before.

With tears in my eyes I was careful

Let's go together like we can't

It is between our feelings for one another

Doesn't seem to stop the two of you

And suddenly you are convinced

You want to say that you have something different and

That's when you hid it

You believed me in those early promises

That never fails me

I hope you still choose me

Even if I have a problem with my heart

Just say that you still love me

I'll accept that even if it's not true

The love given is just wasted

By oath we both promise before the creator

I was in tears because, 'I can't forget you and leave you

Because it's just you

I love you so much but I would have cheated now and would never have cheated on you before.

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Love can make you happy Can Gives you joy and smile Can inspired and motivate you

Can make you sad and cry The worst part is your hooked to much that your career and social life is affected. And Gives you stress and depression.


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3 years ago